Thread Number: 14837
Rainbow D2
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Post# 157437   10/29/2011 at 17:41 (4,827 days old) by jfalberti (Visalia, CA)        

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Hey everyone.

Before I went into the hospital last June I bought a Rainbow model D2 off eBay. It arrived but I was too sick to unpack it. I'm feeling a lot better now so I unpacked it a couple days ago. It is in amazing condition. There are no dings whatsoever in the chrome dome and the water pan looks like new. The hose is in good shape, but is stiff. It came with a complete attachment set, that again looks like it saw little use. It also came with the instruction book and bill of sale dated 1971. This machine is in such great shape. I think whoever bought it used it once or twice and never touched it again. Only problem I have is the seller packed it clamped to the water pan. Would this cause any problems with the seals? Is there anything I should check on it before using? I had one other D2 many years ago, and it if memory serves, it had a grounded power cord. This one has what looks like a replacement cord that isn't grounded. Is this a problem?

Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated.



Post# 157442 , Reply# 1   10/29/2011 at 18:25 (4,827 days old) by dwhdarren97 ()        

My grandma has a D2A, though it says D2 on the model plate. It is the later dark brown version and does have a grounded cord. I would guess yours should also have this grounded cord, and I would be very cautious when using it without one because of the water and the chrome dome. It also isn't double insulated so grounding is necessary.

Post# 157457 , Reply# 2   10/29/2011 at 21:13 (4,827 days old) by kenkart ()        

No the older ones were NOT grounded, they are safe as long as the separator is tight.

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