Thread Number: 14820
My turn for New in the Box Vintage Item
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Post# 157188   10/27/2011 at 20:22 (4,743 days old) by KC_Kirby (Kansas City, MO)        

Here is the box as it arrived today.

Post# 157189 , Reply# 1   10/27/2011 at 20:22 (4,743 days old) by KC_Kirby (Kansas City, MO)        

Now a view of the side...hmmm, you can now see a manufacturer name....

Post# 157190 , Reply# 2   10/27/2011 at 20:23 (4,743 days old) by KC_Kirby (Kansas City, MO)        

Now as the box is first opened....

Post# 157191 , Reply# 3   10/27/2011 at 20:27 (4,743 days old) by KC_Kirby (Kansas City, MO)        

Now you can kind of make out what it might be... without further ado.. It's a Royal Model 597 Power Nozzle. Sometimes its called the Manta Rey power nozzle. I already have one but its not as nice as a new one. I found this through Tania. She told Phillip who told me many months ago that some vac shop had several of these new in the box. So after the convention I decided to see if they were still available. Well, Tania called me and let me know that they were indeed still available and who to call. I called this week and the nozzle arrived today. I actually bought two, the other one is for Kenny Loveland who saw mine and fell in love with it. So a big thank you goes out to Tania for helping me obtain such a cool power nozzle!

Post# 157195 , Reply# 4   10/27/2011 at 20:39 (4,743 days old) by KC_Kirby (Kansas City, MO)        

Here's the front cover of the owner's manual.

Post# 157197 , Reply# 5   10/27/2011 at 20:40 (4,743 days old) by KC_Kirby (Kansas City, MO)        

And the inside... This is all there is, not a very long manual.

Post# 157198 , Reply# 6   10/27/2011 at 20:55 (4,743 days old) by luxg ()        

Chad, that is a beautiful power nozzle.  I have never seen one like that.  Any idea what time frame we are talking about here.  Please post a picture of it with your machine when you can.   Thanks



Post# 157202 , Reply# 7   10/27/2011 at 21:48 (4,743 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture

Chad -


That is a beauty! We definitely want pictures of you (in your best bell bottoms and low-heeled boots, like that lady in the picture) vacuuming up a storm with your new Manta Ray. That is a looker. I'm guessing early 80's? Tanya always knows all the great places and people to get wonderful vacuums. She's a gem - and a sweetheart to boot. - J

Post# 157203 , Reply# 8   10/27/2011 at 21:55 (4,743 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
Do they have anymore ?

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
I want one if they do please let me know . Thanks Danny

Post# 157212 , Reply# 9   10/27/2011 at 23:18 (4,743 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Very cool.. I had an Electro Hygiene power tank with that same power nozzle that I sold to Rick A -- back at the St Louis Convention.  It was minty mint.  I sometimes regret selling it.  It was an awesome PN... the only flaw was the fact that the belt rode right in the dirty air stream.  I'd have to periodically open it up and clean hair/fuzz off of the belt pulley.  But I loved the way it pushed.. very smooth and easy to use.


Thanks for sharing!  Enjoy it! 


I assume you have a machine to use it with?



Post# 157214 , Reply# 10   10/27/2011 at 23:29 (4,743 days old) by goadie12 ()        

Wow that is very cool would that have been made by Royal or another brand because if I am not mistaking they once used a filterqueen power nozzel thanks? Zach

Post# 157218 , Reply# 11   10/28/2011 at 00:15 (4,743 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
This was the one right before the Filter Queen made nozzle I think. It wasn't made very long at all and I would say it kind of rare.

Post# 157231 , Reply# 12   10/28/2011 at 04:25 (4,743 days old) by kenkart ()        

Power nozzle ever made..IMHO! LOL, This was ALL Royal, the brush is the same as the upright brush.

Post# 157327 , Reply# 13   10/28/2011 at 23:03 (4,742 days old) by hoover28 (Oneida N.Y.)        

I have one to but it is missing the bottom plate, any one have one to sell. mine has a tag that has 1980 on it.


Post# 157576 , Reply# 14   10/30/2011 at 22:47 (4,740 days old) by kc_kirby (Kansas City, MO)        

Fred, I didn't know that you sold Rick A. his Electro Hygiene with this power nozzle. It was at Rick's house that I first saw the power nozzle. Yeah, I would say you probably should have kept it but you can't keep them all. I have gotten rid of vacs that I now regret doing.

Post# 157591 , Reply# 15   10/31/2011 at 08:46 (4,740 days old) by vac-o-matic (Saint Louis, Mo.)        

I am forever grateful that Fred sold me the Electro-Hygiene, complete with the cordwinder and extra wands...absolutely love that power nozzle, probably the quietest in my fleet! Give me a cordwinder, headlight on the power nozzle, and I'm in heaven! Just so you know Fred, it's had the best of care here, always changed the microfresh bag after using it, a quick polish, and back on the shelf it goes!

Post# 282213 , Reply# 16   5/29/2014 at 01:26 (3,799 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
The 597 power nozzle was produced from 1980-1985 and was the only one Royal made in-house. It is also the only PN out there whose brush roll was also used for the metal uprights of the same time frame.


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