Thread Number: 14807
Quite Possibly The Happiest Day Of My Life!
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Post# 157010   10/26/2011 at 17:09 (4,790 days old) by LongLiveKirbys (Minneapolis)        

So today Neil Lubke (Henry200) and I got together to do some trading. So recently after the convention I realized how little room I actually have down here in my basement. so I assessed (or however its spelled lol) my collection and decided to downsize a little. So what I did is I traded Neil my Regina Elektricbroom, Royal powertank, And one of my F&G eureka's. And what I got in return was this AMAZINGG Kirby Heritage II! Now this is my FAVORITTEEE Kirby model and the one I have isnt in the greatest condition, so now that I have this I cant even explain how happy I truly am right now!
So thanks a TON Neil!!
Hope you enjoy your machines!


Post# 157011 , Reply# 1   10/26/2011 at 17:10 (4,790 days old) by LongLiveKirbys (Minneapolis)        

Pic 2

Post# 157012 , Reply# 2   10/26/2011 at 17:11 (4,790 days old) by LongLiveKirbys (Minneapolis)        


Post# 157014 , Reply# 3   10/26/2011 at 17:12 (4,790 days old) by LongLiveKirbys (Minneapolis)        


Post# 157015 , Reply# 4   10/26/2011 at 17:14 (4,790 days old) by LongLiveKirbys (Minneapolis)        


Post# 157016 , Reply# 5   10/26/2011 at 17:27 (4,790 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Congrats! The Heretage II is a great machine. All the attachments, too!

Of course any Kirby is a great machine. :P

Post# 157017 , Reply# 6   10/26/2011 at 17:28 (4,790 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

PS That chrome Zipp-Brush is really interesting.

Post# 157025 , Reply# 7   10/26/2011 at 18:42 (4,790 days old) by vacuumfan96 (South East Michigan )        

I love it! looks to be in really great condition and looks to have everything as well!

Post# 157035 , Reply# 8   10/26/2011 at 19:29 (4,790 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

What are kirby's like?! Ive always wanted to see one in person! :-)

Post# 157039 , Reply# 9   10/26/2011 at 19:44 (4,790 days old) by lunchboxsean ()        

That is a beautiful Kirby. Mostly all there, too. I'm not sure, but I think you might be missing a wand... Aren't you supposed to have two? Anyway, awesome looking Heritage II.

Post# 157040 , Reply# 10   10/26/2011 at 19:55 (4,790 days old) by LongLiveKirbys (Minneapolis)        

yes I am missing the straight wand. Right now im using a random one that I found in my pile of wands, but it fits all the attachments.
And Daniel Kirbys are like (well to me anyway) are like a peice of heaven that i can hold in my hands LOL

Post# 157047 , Reply# 11   10/26/2011 at 21:21 (4,790 days old) by luxg ()        

Congratulations Trevor,  that is a beautiful Kirby.  Love that zip brush!!



Post# 157069 , Reply# 12   10/26/2011 at 23:07 (4,790 days old) by thissucks ()        
to vacuum freak

i hope im not falling inta a joke. (which im sure i am)

kirbys are big, hulking machines, using one always feels like your pushing around something more than a vacuum.

by far my most favorite brand.

to the orignal poster, i just fixed one like that, i also like its looks and color scheme.

Post# 157107 , Reply# 13   10/27/2011 at 09:22 (4,789 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

I'm glad you like it Trevor!  As I think I told you, that Heritage II was one of the best vacuums I have ever owned.  It served me well for years as my daily driver and I never really thought about parting with it but, when you said it was your favorite model the decision to give it to you was a no-brainer.  I'll keep my eyes peeled for some wands for you and if the shoulder strap turns up I'll let you know.


The machines you gave me are great.  That Royal really sucks!  It could almost compete with my Henry.  Once I figure out how to get to the Regina dealer (that stretch of University Ave is all torn up for the light-rail construction) I'll pick up what I need to get it up and running again.


I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your collection.  You have quite a few enviable gems!



Post# 157177 , Reply# 14   10/27/2011 at 18:35 (4,789 days old) by LongLiveKirbys (Minneapolis)        

Thanks!!!! Im glad you like the machines!

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