Thread Number: 14798
should I buy this hoover
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Post# 156910   10/25/2011 at 21:17 (4,745 days old) by sfcoronet (San Francisco - Bay Area)        

Saw this in the local thrift shop - what would be a fair price (it's pretty beat up)? What year/model is it? I don't have any hoovers, but am starting to appreciate their beauty. Any and all opinions appreciated.


Post# 156918 , Reply# 1   10/25/2011 at 22:05 (4,745 days old) by thissucks ()        

funny, i just got the identical model

Post# 156921 , Reply# 2   10/25/2011 at 22:16 (4,745 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
The bottom half

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

of the handle was assembled backwards.  The cord hooks should be on the same side.  If you correct this,  there will be a paint rub mark from the bag.  It is a good strong model,  for a plastic.  It can clean up nicely.  What price are they asking?

To be honest, it shouldn't be much.  Should you buy it?  If the price is decent,  go for it.

Post# 156924 , Reply# 3   10/25/2011 at 22:24 (4,745 days old) by 1926700 ()        
John is right.....

with some time and elbow grease this scratches will buff out....

and john....believe it or not.....ive seen some idiots in my time who have assembled the handle that way obviousley out of the box.....cause the good side of the handle then has the rubmark from the bag front....and the side that should have is clean.....and those people are lucky i never met them ....

Post# 156926 , Reply# 4   10/25/2011 at 22:27 (4,745 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

Ouch, that poor thing has some battle scars!  The bottom half of the handle spun around 180 degrees looks a little hapless too.  With its plastic base it hails from the later end of the Convertible era but I don't think it's a bad place to start as a first venture with Hoovers.  If the motor isn't shot and I had $5 or $10 burning a hole in my pocket I might have some fun with it, but I personally prefer the older models.

Post# 156999 , Reply# 5   10/26/2011 at 14:55 (4,744 days old) by sfcoronet (San Francisco - Bay Area)        

Well...after $5.00 and wiping it down with a sponge, it looks pretty good! Cleans well too. One problem is it seems a little "wobbly" - i think the rear wheels aren't aligned - is this a common problem? Are the outer bags for this model available and reasonably priced?


Post# 157049 , Reply# 6   10/26/2011 at 21:44 (4,744 days old) by broomvac (N/A)        

broomvac's profile picture
That cleaned up VERY well! If you touch up the paint on the handle, it should be perfect!

Post# 157052 , Reply# 7   10/26/2011 at 21:54 (4,744 days old) by sfcoronet (San Francisco - Bay Area)        

Thanks Broomvac - any suggestions on what paint to use to touch up the handle? I tried to polish it with car wax, WD-40, and silicone spray, but couldn't get that "showroom shine" back....

Post# 157061 , Reply# 8   10/26/2011 at 22:09 (4,744 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Wow... What a turnaround! It really does look very nice now! Congrats! At first glance, I wouldn't think such a machine in its prior state would become so beautiful in the end!

Post# 157065 , Reply# 9   10/26/2011 at 22:12 (4,744 days old) by guardsman69 ()        

this is hoover convertible u4449 domestic convertible cleaner from 1987 to 1990 period of hoover north canton uprights

Post# 157066 , Reply# 10   10/26/2011 at 22:22 (4,744 days old) by goadie12 ()        

Wow I must say that looks pretty good it cleaned up very well thanks. Zach

Post# 157068 , Reply# 11   10/26/2011 at 23:04 (4,744 days old) by sfcoronet (San Francisco - Bay Area)        
Mother's Mag and Aluminum Polish

Wow - Mother's does an AMAZING job on plastic too! I may start shining my shoes with it!

Post# 157073 , Reply# 12   10/26/2011 at 23:46 (4,744 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture

Graham -

If you are anywhere near the Inner Sunset district in San Francisco, you are near F&H Vacuum on Irving Street (I think they are at about 10th or 11th Avenue, on Irving), drop in there for help. I hope they are still there. They used to be the official Hoover dealer in S.F. (well, one of them, and in my opinion, the best one). I bet they can find you a bag very close to that one. Good luck.  John Lucia

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