Thread Number: 14783
Hoover Vs, Eureka
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Post# 156762   10/24/2011 at 20:15 (4,797 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

Hey guys, I was just wondering which one you prefer. The Hoover Convertible, or the Eureka uprights. Also, if you have any pictures, I would love to see them!

Daniel :-)

Post# 156764 , Reply# 1   10/24/2011 at 20:41 (4,797 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Eureka for sure, with the Distribulator and VGI & II brushrolls, they took Hoover's Beats as it Sweeps as it Cleans concept, and made it work better than the Hoovers of the same era...

And I know I'll be hated for saying that, but, it's true... :)

My trio of the best:

Post# 156765 , Reply# 2   10/24/2011 at 20:42 (4,797 days old) by DesiredName (Utah)        

desiredname's profile picture
I tend to like convertibls a bit more but I have had Eureka uprights in the past and they are great cleaners too. Here are two of my convertibls, a model 728 and a model 65.

Post# 156770 , Reply# 3   10/24/2011 at 21:16 (4,797 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

I have a Eureka ESP model 2088, and i've always fantasized about a Convertible since I was little. I've always wondered what a convertible is like handling and suction wise. To this day I haven't owned one, and I am still fantasizing! :-)
Heres a picture of my Eureka:

Post# 156774 , Reply# 4   10/24/2011 at 21:55 (4,797 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Ill let the numbers speak for themselves.


Post# 156775 , Reply# 5   10/24/2011 at 21:57 (4,797 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

OKAY... :P

I do love me a nice eureka.

I do think that hoovers are quieter, but I love the sound of a Eureka.

Post# 156776 , Reply# 6   10/24/2011 at 21:59 (4,797 days old) by Sablekid ()        

Ive never really had a good experience with the Eureka uprights. Rarely used a Hoover, but in the few times ive had...they've always done a much better job.


Although Ive got to say, I used a new Commercial Eureka in my last house and it did a fantastic job, now its used in the building my parents own for their office.

Post# 156777 , Reply# 7   10/24/2011 at 22:09 (4,797 days old) by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

bagintheback's profile picture
The only Hoover Convertibles I truly like are the ones made after 1979 when they introduced the Type A bag. The older Convertibles use terrible Type C bags that are not worth my time, although the looks of the older models nice. The 5amp motor in the newer models great at deep cleaning and their sound is fantastic! It starts up with this bong and then goes into a low grumble that is simply musical. The 5amp Convertible motor is the only motor I can say I enjoy and look forward to listening to.

Anyway, vacuumfreak, I believe your Eureka has the 6.5amp motor, right? If that is the case, I have to say your Eureka would outclean even my beloved 5amp Covertible. The Vibra-Groomer and the Dial-A-Nap make a huge difference as the Covertible's height-adjustment is located in the rear and sometimes prevents the vacuum from locking onto the carpet.

Post# 156788 , Reply# 8   10/24/2011 at 23:09 (4,797 days old) by thissucks ()        

anyone know what amps the full plastic hood, full metal base convertible is? i really want one because of its slow startup and smooth running motor, you can hear the brush roll over the motor.

i just got a blue convertible 5amp type a bag. needs a bellow

oh yeah, i like sanitaire/eureka better but like the sound better from hoover.

Post# 156789 , Reply# 9   10/24/2011 at 23:10 (4,797 days old) by broomvac (N/A)        
Vintage Eureka > Vintage Hoover

broomvac's profile picture
..but contemporary Sanitaires own them all!

Post# 156830 , Reply# 10   10/25/2011 at 06:24 (4,796 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

@bagintheback- Yeah, the motor is a 6 amp.

Post# 156884 , Reply# 11   10/25/2011 at 17:09 (4,796 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

Does anyone have a good picture of a candy apple red convertible that I can add to my photo album? I've been saving a bunch of pictures lately and have come up with a few albums on my computer. I'm only missing a few convertibles and this is one of them.

Post# 156895 , Reply# 12   10/25/2011 at 18:26 (4,796 days old) by vacuumalex ()        

Hey everyone,
I've used them both. I would definitely agree that the Type A bagged Convertible models are better than the Type C bagged models. The one drawback to the Eureakas though is I hate those paper dirt tubes i.e., the F&G bags. They always tear. Anyway, comparing the Convertible Type A models and the regular F&G Eureakas, I'd have to say they perform about the same. It's kind of like the Royal vs. Kirby debate. They are both the same concept and both clean very well. It's like choosing between an apple and an orange...both are good!

Post# 156904 , Reply# 13   10/25/2011 at 20:34 (4,796 days old) by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

bagintheback's profile picture
Caddy Apple? Is this the one?

Post# 156905 , Reply# 14   10/25/2011 at 20:46 (4,796 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

vacman117's profile picture
I like Eurekas a lot more than Convertibles. I feel like they clean a lot better, and I love the sound of them! My favorites are my Eureka ESP 2011, Imperial, and the ESP 2091. I do love certain Convertibles though, which would be the two pictured. I didn't bother to look at the model numbers, but here they all are:

Post# 156911 , Reply# 15   10/25/2011 at 21:34 (4,796 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Are you talking about the ruby red U4123?

I had one. I have more pictures if you want. I sold it to Fred in Minn.

Post# 156923 , Reply# 16   10/25/2011 at 22:23 (4,796 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

I'm the wrong one to ask!

Post# 156927 , Reply# 17   10/25/2011 at 22:28 (4,796 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        

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Post# 156928 , Reply# 18   10/25/2011 at 22:33 (4,796 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
I could go on

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

but I'll stop.  The "red" one is "Canton Red",  the last convertible with that hood type.

Post# 156930 , Reply# 19   10/25/2011 at 22:53 (4,796 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
Oh heck, John,

I for one enjoy the way you "go on!"  By the way, the house is looking mighty nice there, and is a great classic backdrop to all your wonderful classic Hoovers!



Post# 156972 , Reply# 20   10/26/2011 at 05:27 (4,795 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

Yes, It is the "canton red" one that I am looking for a picture of. In a youtube video it looked like candy apple red, but I love that red bag and hood :-) Still waiting for my future convertible to come :-) Ill get one sometime or later

Post# 157108 , Reply# 21   10/27/2011 at 09:26 (4,794 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        
Of course I am biased......being in love with Eureka since t

eurekaprince's profile picture
But I have to say that there were two main factors that may have always made Eureka uprights clean better than Hoover uprights in the 1960's and 1970's. One was of course Eureka's top-fill F&G bag that kept dirt away from the air path (in the 40 years I have changed F&G bags, I have never had the paper dirt tube rip or tear). The other factor I think was that the nozzle height adjustment on Eurekas from the late 1960's forward was based on adjusting the front wheels, not the rear wheels as the Hoover Convertibles had. Adjusting the height of the front end of the cleaner keeps the suction "window" flatter on the carpet and retains the suction seal better on all heights of carpet.

Consumer Reports consistently rated the Dial-A-Nap and Rugulator uprights as better performers than the Convertibles - probably for these two reasons. The playing field levelled out a bit when Hoover introduced their top fill bags with that really easy to use replacement system based on that tall plastic fill-tube.

Truth be told, I liked the colours and the designs of many of the Convertibles over the years. The only Convertible design I never liked was the series of models where the motor hood has no headlight and yet there is a pair of extraneous forms piled one on top of the other for no reason. This motor hood design always seemed to me to be "much ado about nothing" - especially since Hoover already had produced some very sleek, simple Convertible hoods with a headlight in the early 1960's. An example of this design which I never liked can be seen in John's upright display above - it's the "headlightless" turquoise Convertible on the rug in the center of one of the photos above.

Did you guys every pit an "F&G Bag" Eureka against a "C Bag" Hoover Convertible at any of the conventions?

Post# 157113 , Reply# 22   10/27/2011 at 10:36 (4,794 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
It's a toss-up for me at least for sentimental/memory re

Hoover Convertibles (65, 66, 67, 68, 31, 33) out-numbered Eurekas in the neighborhood where I grew up but the Eureka 260 our next door neighbor had was and is one of my all-time favorites.  As a toddler the Hoovers with their bright colors and stretchy hoses were a big draw.  There was something about the unique sound of the Eureka though, plus the cream and green color, metallic gold trim and even the ridiculously gadgety hose converter which held me spellbound. 


Many years later I learned how great Eurekas are at deep-cleaning a carpet.  When I moved into my first house I had a Rainbow D2, Electrolux 1205 (with PN4) a Kirby Omega and a Pannasonic Jet-flow.  After about 6 months of scrupulous daily vacuuming and a go around with a Rug Doctor it seemed like I had removed whatever dirt remained in the carpeting from the previous residents.  I picked up an old Montgomery Ward/Eureka one day.  I'm not sure of the model but it had the rectangular bag top, disturbulator brush roll and a 3.5 amp motor.  After installing a new belt and paper bag I took it for a test spin and was absolutely stunned to hear what sounded like a dump truck full of dirt hurling into the bag.  I proceeded to vacuum up at least a pint or so of gritty filth in a short time.  I never had the chance to pit the Eureka against a Hoover but man, I was impressed!

Post# 157119 , Reply# 23   10/27/2011 at 11:28 (4,794 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

I just noticed something , Your convertables had switches in the handles wereas ours right up to the last models had them in the base as with the origional.


This is the last convertable we got


Note  switch on top right side of hood Orange 

Post# 157137 , Reply# 24   10/27/2011 at 13:47 (4,794 days old) by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture
I guess my favorite is the Hoover Convertible, but really, I haven't used one of the Eurekas. They just didn't seem to be common.

My mother used to clean a clubhouse for extra money when I was little, and in the closet they had a tan plastic Hoover Convertible without headlight. There was a plastic grocery bag hanging on the handle with belts, bags, and the manual.

She never used the Convertible because she had her own vacuum to use, so if she was really busy, I would get out the Convertible and run it. I seem to recall it was very quiet and made a low grumbling sound.

Another time I saw a Convertible in the thrift store, and later saw what seemed to be the exact machine in someone's trash. I picked it up, but was too scared to plug it in. I'm having trouble remembering the details. I want to say it had an orange hood, but I think it used type A bags. Maybe it was one of the last models that were red, and it was much newer than I thought.

I did see an older Eureka in the trash too, but it was missing the bag. I took it apart for fun.

I haven't really seen either type in about 10 years or so.

Post# 157140 , Reply# 25   10/27/2011 at 14:39 (4,794 days old) by guardsman69 ()        

as a lifelong hoover dealer for over 35 years....and a studient of the Hoover Convertible in all its forms.........i must say that listening or reading all your entries about hoovers vs eureka ....if hoover created it ....eureka would copy would be copied in such a way that had beauty in its own right .....but if there was no hoover and henry dryfuss and the awesome men designers who had the artistic flair they had for they were proud of who and what they were yet held in the hoover tradition of doing things ....who would eureka have to compete with.... to force eureka to push the envelope to create beautiful printed bags and hoover shaped hoods and beautiful color schemes......i have sold thousands of hoover convertibles both residential and commercial....there is a lot to be said for the original.....but by the same token .....i have serviced thousands of hooveresque eurekas as well and restored them box new for my customers as well...both brands in my client base and even in the same house coexist very compatibly no matter what floor they are reminds me of judisim (hoover) and catholicism (eureka) but everything originated with hoover....original u7033 hoover guardsmans and todays sanitaires....imitation is the sincerest form of flattery....celebrate them can see my collection on my web site at sweepercentral . com and go to the marquee hit the commercial catagory and there are two videos to watch....i hope you all enjoy them ....especially the top one....

Post# 157141 , Reply# 26   10/27/2011 at 15:29 (4,794 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

Nice Vid John, I really like your shop, Its nice to see another vac shop owner that displays there collectibles in there shop.


I am amazed at the difference between the USA and rest of the world Hoovers even though they look the same, or similar. 


I have a Hoover 638 looks just like your model 60 but i has a foot operated handle release, seriously powerful though.

I also have a Hoover 262 which is my oldest hoover with all Its  attachments in a box never used 

Post# 157171 , Reply# 27   10/27/2011 at 17:10 (4,794 days old) by guardsman69 ()        

i am absolutely in love with that green south african convertible.....please post more photos of south african hoovers....they are facinating.....i am so happy you enjoyed the videos on my web site.....i just had it redone....john

Post# 157173 , Reply# 28   10/27/2011 at 17:32 (4,794 days old) by Floor-A-Matic (somewhere)        
Hover vs. Eureka

I love both! I had the following


2011 ESP?
SC888 (Sanitaire)

Post# 157179 , Reply# 29   10/27/2011 at 18:38 (4,794 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

This is a really hard one. Since Ive never owned (or used haha) either of these, I really dont know.

I would have to imagine they would have to clean just about the same.


Post# 158925 , Reply# 30   11/13/2011 at 22:26 (4,777 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        

The green U4393 was the one I learned to walk with (only as a walking aid, NOT to vacuum) back in mid/late 1982; I first used the vacuum to ACTUALLY VACUUM in 1983. It looked something like this.

Photo courtesy VL 2011 Vintage archive (kirbyvertibles)

Post# 159002 , Reply# 31   11/14/2011 at 18:39 (4,776 days old) by VINVAC (Dubuque IA)        

vinvac's profile picture
I like them all!!!

However, I have always felt that a Eureka Upright, even with the low end brushroll (wood-plastic beater bar) would out clean a Hoover any time.

Add the Vibra Groomer 1 or 2 and move it up a notch...the old Disturbulator, as Hans Craig would say "would tear up a rug".

Personally, I have never liked Hoover cleaning tools. Eureka in my opinion always had good tools until the new models came out.

There was discussion about bags...Eureka's F&G bags have always amazed me.. and were way ahead of Hoover at the fill..once Hoover started using A bags it got much better. I have never had a fill tube tear on a F&G bag...howeever, I did have one explode at church..the bag was full to the brim..and I hit a corner of the pew with it....let's just say...I had to re-vacuum and dust everything! That was not the bags was me being tight...needless to say I never did that again and I was only 17 at the time. Now you can get the fill tube and use the new S&T cloth filtrete bags...they work wonderfully.


Post# 159086 , Reply# 32   11/15/2011 at 16:11 (4,775 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

I've never heard of the S&T bags before... Where can I find them?

Daniel :)

Post# 159096 , Reply# 33   11/15/2011 at 17:23 (4,775 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

It's not "S&T", it's "ST", they're available in many places these days, and older Eurekas (so long as they have an original bag) can have a new filltube fitted to take ST bags...


Post# 159101 , Reply# 34   11/15/2011 at 17:53 (4,775 days old) by thevacuumman (Borger, TX)        

not entirely true the original bag for my Eureka 1458A wouldn't accept the filltube thats why i put a sanitaire bag on it

Post# 159156 , Reply# 35   11/16/2011 at 17:04 (4,774 days old) by electroluxxxx (……)        

this was a childhood machine of mine and what started me off on collecting machines 

Post# 324353 , Reply# 36   5/8/2015 at 00:42 (3,506 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        

My Convertible 1060 shakes out the dirt from carpet very well; it even outcleaned my Commercial Soft Guard

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Post# 324355 , Reply# 37   5/8/2015 at 01:32 (3,506 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

BOTH are fine for me!

Post# 324357 , Reply# 38   5/8/2015 at 06:02 (3,505 days old) by kenkart ()        
Both are good

But a 250 ,255 or 260 Eureka is easier to push, and the Disturbulator brush is more aggressive, and to my way of thinking ,is the very best at deep cleaning, I hear so many brag on Sanitaires, the problem with them is they nosedive when pulled backwards, I have never used one yet that stays flat on the carpet like the older machines, as for a Hoover, a 61, 62 or 63 is to me, far better than any convertible.

Post# 324360 , Reply# 39   5/8/2015 at 09:21 (3,505 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

dysonman1's profile picture
I agree Hans. The Convertible was a HUGE step back for Hoover. The 60 series (including the model 29) were so much better than Convertibles. Hoover went down the toilet (in so many ways) when the cheaper Convertibles were introduced.

Eureka cleaned better than Hoover due to the bag design.

Post# 324691 , Reply# 40   5/12/2015 at 12:30 (3,501 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        

But a Hoover Convertible top fill is better; that is why I changed the outer bag on my 1060 so it can use type A bags

Post# 324897 , Reply# 41   5/15/2015 at 10:41 (3,498 days old) by electrikbroomgu (Rome, NY)        
Convertible vs F&G Eureka

electrikbroomgu's profile picture
I find much to like on both variations. And because there were so many variations on each theme it keeps both lines interesting. Eureka deserves much credit in retaining the blue and red Sanitaire line and in still making a resedential F&G Boss upright. In a world of over weight, plastiky bagless made in China stuff it's refreshing to pull out a Boss or late model early 90's Convertible that weight's so much less but does so much with a mere 5 amps or so in a nice looking sturdy package.

Post# 324906 , Reply# 42   5/15/2015 at 13:03 (3,498 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
I've always looked at Eureka as the competitor to Hoover and I would rather use the original. Don’t get me wrong Eureka uprights do clean well and I do own one Eureka upright a Vanguard. I really don’t want to collect the competitor’s vac. Know what I mean. Then again some collectors would say all other brands besides Hoover are bo-jack anyway. I don’t quite agree because I do like my Electrolux tanks, G.E. Swivel tops, Kirby uprights, etc. However when it comes to Hoover vs. Eureka I would rather have a Hoover. That’s just my opinion which probably doesn't amount to much anyway!

Post# 324950 , Reply# 43   5/15/2015 at 23:56 (3,498 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        

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Your opinion is as important, if not more,  as everyone else's.

   I could have quoted The Addams' Family ("Morticia")... "Don't be so hard on yourself.  That's MY job".

  I agree that Eureka was always Hoover's rival.

  I had to run a Ureka in the rectory.  I don't own one.  I won't, either.  BUT, I'd never bash anyone who does. I'd never say, for instance, that HOOVE could do no wrong,   it's just MY preference. That's why there's chocolate and vanilla, I suppose.



Post# 324966 , Reply# 44   5/16/2015 at 09:36 (3,497 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
Just trying not to bash other brands and be tactful when commenting. Sometimes when a person pokes fun at themselves it makes the post less serious! Thanks, John!

Post# 324970 , Reply# 45   5/16/2015 at 10:52 (3,497 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
Anytime, Kenny.

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

True,  when friends poke fun at friends OR knowingly "in jest",  it is nice.  Then,  sometimes,  people poke fun at others and it is childish,  mean, scandalous, and sometimes, illegal.

 But, when/if we know with whom we are dealing,  it paints a very clear picture.

  You, Kenny, do not have a mailicious bone in your body. Anyone who has met you in person can attest.  Those who've never met you must has realized it, too.


Post# 324971 , Reply# 46   5/16/2015 at 10:59 (3,497 days old) by pr-21 (Middletown, OH)        

pr-21's profile picture

I like both, but prefer the Eureka Rugulator or Dial a Nap carpet selectors better, as they raise and lower the front wheels, instead of the rear wheels on hoover convertibles.





Post# 324983 , Reply# 47   5/16/2015 at 12:16 (3,497 days old) by Vinvac (Dubuque IA)        

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I guess because we lived close to Illinois Eureka was more popular where I grew up. There were not many folks who owned Hoover and most were Eureka canisters.

Personally, I have always felt that Eureka cleaned better. The Vibra-groomer 1 has stood the test of time. I would agree with Hans that the early models did drive much better due to the weight of the metal base.

Kirby and Electrolux were very popular as was Air-Way. Not many folks owned a Filter Queen or a Rainbow.

Growing up with a Kirby and Working with Royals at the school, those are the machines I am partial too.

Post# 325009 , Reply# 48   5/16/2015 at 22:23 (3,497 days old) by Kirbyduh (Kentucky )        
I like both

There are different aspects about each I enjoy. As far as looks, I really like the streamlined design of the Hoovers. Something about styling of the Eureka uprights just doesn't appeal to me (with the exception of those beautiful chrome and Blue Eurekas - simply stunning!) The bag system is worlds ahead on the Eurekas, and I feel like they really grab my rugs more than convertibles. However, It seems like both machines pick up tons of filth from the floors.

Post# 325018 , Reply# 49   5/17/2015 at 08:31 (3,496 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

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I would have to agree that over its history, Eureka did a lot of copying rather than innovating. But sometimes Eureka made the feature better - just like Japanese companies eventually improved upon American cars, televisions and even vacuum cleaners (Panasonic ended up making a better Dial-a-Matic).

One thing I believe Eureka proved: you really don't need beater bars to effectively agitate a carpet - rows of bristles can do the same thing as exhibited by Eureka's Disturbulator brush roll.

I think Eureka also eventually figured out a way to effectively grab all the suction from an upright's fan to use for attachment cleaning. First, it introduced a Bottom Plate to close off the suction from the brush roll windows, then it developed the pan converter which was also eventually adopted by Hoover. Airflow was never really great with both companies' "fan-first" uprights, but the pan-converter was the best way to grab whatever suction was produced.

I also think Eureka's attachments were better than Hoover's: when Hoover cheapened their upholstery nozzle by eliminating any bristles or rubber fingers, Eureka still offered one with a nice strip of bristles. Though Hoover's attachment system prevented tools from falling off, the locking mechanism did not allow the user to rotate the tool to a more comfortable or useful position. On the other other hand, Hoover introduced a much better bare floor nozzle with the Dimension canister which picks up dirt on both the back stroke and the front stroke (though I think Kenmore innovated that design).

Some other features Eureka offered to buyers before Hoover: an all plastic Tool Caddy, power nozzles for canisters, cord reels on uprights, top-fill upright bags, the Groom-a-Pet tool, easy-to-replace brush roll strips, front end upright height adjusters. Though other vac-makers innovated these features, Eureka copied them before Hoover.

Post# 325019 , Reply# 50   5/17/2015 at 09:04 (3,496 days old) by vac-o-matic (Saint Louis, Mo.)        
A nice thing is....

if you really like the style and performance of the older Eurekas, but want the present day cleaning performance for today's rugs and carpets, you can buy a Sanitaire. You can do the same with Hoover I suppose with the current Guardsman line, but to me personally, I think the Sanitaire beats them out on both style and performance, with the chrome hoods, front height adjuster, and vibra groomer brushrolls.

Post# 325055 , Reply# 51   5/17/2015 at 17:55 (3,496 days old) by Paul (USA)        

Not to hijack the thread, but how has Kirby compared with Hoover and Eureka at convention competitions?

Post# 325074 , Reply# 52   5/17/2015 at 22:24 (3,496 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        

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Last year,  at the one stroke event,  they had me run a HOOVER Decade 800 WITH a Kirby.  The HOOVER won. Just sayin'

Post# 325075 , Reply# 53   5/17/2015 at 22:40 (3,496 days old) by ralph123 (Memphis tn)        

Just curious - which Kirby?

Post# 325076 , Reply# 54   5/17/2015 at 22:53 (3,496 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
You've got me swingin'.... lolo

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I have no idea.I had one in each hand.  They told me I was a good sport. I tried.

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