Thread Number: 14743
Early Kirby Protos
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Post# 156249   10/21/2011 at 11:16 (4,662 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Alright, so I read in this book I have about vacuums that some of Jim Kirby's first vacuums were like Rainbow/Rexairs, they were filtered with water. Exept they were hand pumped. These are very interesting; does any body have one of these, have any info on these, or have any pics of these?Anything is greatly appreciated.

Post# 156254 , Reply# 1   10/21/2011 at 12:02 (4,662 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

A local vacuum shop has one but I dont have a way of getting a picture of it. I can ask him when he finishes my vacuette wireless if he can bring it out. Its probably buried somewhere but he told me he has one.

The kirby companies museum has one as well.

Post# 156264 , Reply# 2   10/21/2011 at 14:06 (4,662 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

I was just wondering what book it is that you have? I've been looking for some books on vacuums for a while now, and I haven't really found any...

Post# 156328 , Reply# 3   10/22/2011 at 02:41 (4,661 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

I saw a picture of that first machine on the Kirby website-try under "History" or something like that.don't know if they still have the picture of that machine.Essentually was a two person vacuum--one to pump the canister pump-the other person to use the tool and hose.

Post# 156376 , Reply# 4   10/22/2011 at 09:48 (4,661 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Kirbymodel2c, a member here has a website to his vacuumstore in the UK.

In his kirby museum section you can clearly see the 2 first model kirby vacuums in one of the photographs background.


Post# 156384 , Reply# 5   10/22/2011 at 10:53 (4,661 days old) by kirbymodel2c (Nottingham, England)        

kirbymodel2c's profile picture
Hi,I have a early proof book that has a picture of a display and in that has quite a few early models Mr Kirby made.

I must get it scanned one day:o)


Post# 156461 , Reply# 6   10/22/2011 at 17:39 (4,661 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

I got that book when I was a little kid, surprisingly it has some really cool info in it.

Its called: "Hosehold History: Vacuum Cleaners"

If I can find it ill scan it for you if you would like. :)

Post# 156481 , Reply# 7   10/22/2011 at 20:24 (4,661 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

Sure! thanks :-) that would be great!

Post# 156580 , Reply# 8   10/23/2011 at 11:35 (4,660 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Youre welcome. :-)

When I have some time Ill find it and scan it in.

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