Thread Number: 14708
Elux System 90 Find...Free!
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Post# 155818   10/17/2011 at 19:15 (4,804 days old) by sireluxomatic ()        

This was posted a few days ago on a local classified site for $75...cylinder + PN + dusting/upholstery tool, yellowed with age, scuffed and dirty, side bumpers stuck on the wrong way...I thought I'd pass. Checked the same site again today, and saw the word "FREE". How much do you want to bet I hauled it home ASAP?


Goes like a charm...just needs a heavy duty scrubbing and disinfecting. Hard to believe this machine belongs in the Vintage section, but time is marching on, it seems.

Post# 155823 , Reply# 1   10/17/2011 at 20:28 (4,804 days old) by klectrolux ()        

Good looking machine! Great find, I saw a LE on Kijiji with a 2100, for 100 bucks, but the problem is its on the other side of my province. : \

Post# 155824 , Reply# 2   10/17/2011 at 20:32 (4,804 days old) by goadie12 ()        

Ya it looks good and it will look even better after a good cleaning just wondering if there is any easy way of getting rid of the yellowing thanks? Zach

Post# 155826 , Reply# 3   10/17/2011 at 20:45 (4,804 days old) by klectrolux ()        

Yeah I have wondered that too, I got a few wands that are yellowed a bit/faded. How can you fix that?

Post# 155831 , Reply# 4   10/17/2011 at 21:52 (4,804 days old) by sireluxomatic ()        

To tell the truth, gentlemen, I've never experienced anything this yellow...most of the other machines I got came quite clean and bright after an application of disinfectant, detergent, Magic Eraser, and a final shine with Armor-All. I may try some bleach on this one, diluted in water, of course, or I may leave it as it is. Its not really a "collector" vacuum, as such, so once its been scrubbed and disinfected, it'll be suitable for use. Both of the motors sound just fine to me; no problematic noises whatsoever.


The 2100 and LE would be a great set to have, combined with a vinyl hose and Sidekick. Of course, this System 90 is also a 2100, as is the wine and gray Special Edition. Not sure why Electrolux put out so many models with only minimal mechanical and cosmetic changes, but it makes collecting them pretty interesting.

Post# 155835 , Reply# 5   10/17/2011 at 22:33 (4,804 days old) by minivanmegafun ()        

A bunch of enterprising C=64 hackers (C64s turn brown with age) managed to figure out that a mix of Hydrogen Peroxide and OxiClean is amazing at de-yellowing ABS plastic.

See for more info!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO minivanmegafun's LINK

Post# 155871 , Reply# 6   10/18/2011 at 07:54 (4,803 days old) by luxg ()        

Chris, that is very interesting and for sure worth a try!  Thanks for sharing that.



Post# 155888 , Reply# 7   10/18/2011 at 14:03 (4,803 days old) by Dvac1977 ()        
Nice Grab

Nice... Good job on being Patient, it doesn't get any better than free.

Post# 155893 , Reply# 8   10/18/2011 at 14:41 (4,803 days old) by vintagekitchen ()        

Depending on the plastic, chlorine bleach can make the problem worse. Try dissolving non-chlorine, oxygen bleach, (color safe), in regular peroxide. Dip paper towels in this mixture, then plaster the wet towels all over the machine. Put it outside in the sun, and in a few hours, it will look like brand new. this is how i remove yellowing from any white or light colored plastic on vintage items, and it has never failed me. For heavily discolored items you may have to do it twice, but it will work.

Post# 156061 , Reply# 9   10/19/2011 at 19:08 (4,802 days old) by sireluxomatic ()        

You're right about the patience; what surprises me is that the dude suddenly decided to give it away, after only advertising it for a few days. I figured, if anything, the price would drop, but not to $0.


Re: whitening. I may try those suggestions sometime, when I get my hands on some hydrogen peroxide.

Post# 156394 , Reply# 10   10/22/2011 at 12:16 (4,799 days old) by andken23 ()        
re system 90

nice system 90 bob and it was for free nice i am looking for one to i got the l.e the brother to the system 90 and i still uses it today.

Post# 156436 , Reply# 11   10/22/2011 at 16:20 (4,799 days old) by sireluxomatic ()        

Thanks Andrew. Don't forget the matching Discovery III and then you'll have a complete set.

Post# 156475 , Reply# 12   10/22/2011 at 18:48 (4,799 days old) by andken23 ()        

hey bob i got the manual for the system 90 here is a clip of it the accessories page.

Post# 156478 , Reply# 13   10/22/2011 at 19:36 (4,799 days old) by sireluxomatic ()        

Thanks for that pic. I have all of those accessories from other machines, except for the hose (thank God, I might add...hate those short Lux woven hoses). Love those little baby crevice tools too, except they're not as effective as the longer ones. Great for storage on the accessory clip, though.


I wonder if this was the first model to feature the Sidekick? I don't believe it came with the 2100, although I could be wrong on that. The switch on that Sidekick in the picture looks like a toggle, rather than a rocker.


P.S. Can't resist saying that the Sidekick is one of the best inventions in the history of vacuumkind; fantastic on beds, pillows, sofas, car upholstery, etc. I use it almost every single time I clean, for one thing or another.

Post# 156502 , Reply# 14   10/22/2011 at 22:32 (4,799 days old) by andken23 ()        

hey bob i uses my sidekicked one my sofas daily and it is the best thing i ever use.

Post# 157493 , Reply# 15   10/30/2011 at 07:22 (4,791 days old) by thermokid (Casper, Wyoming)        

My 2100 came with a sidekick in the same colors as the machine.... Dan

Post# 157523 , Reply# 16   10/30/2011 at 13:16 (4,791 days old) by sireluxomatic ()        

Thnx for that info re: the Sidekick. Thought it was around that time, but wasn't sure. I like the earlier model somewhat better than the Sidekick II, but both kick the proverbial ass, cleaning-wise.

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