Thread Number: 14690
New project: granny Nilfisk
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Post# 155627   10/16/2011 at 07:05 (4,870 days old) by tommymilan (milano)        

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Dear friends, a few years ago I bought for a ridiculous sum of money this scary old Nilfisk vacuum cleaner, in such poor conditions, so i placed it somewhere in my house of vacs and almost forgot about it! Now it's time to give it a SPA treatment and give it kind of a more appropriate look! Something tells me that it's going to be quite a hard work... Any tips? Greetings from italy , tommy

Post# 155641 , Reply# 1   10/16/2011 at 09:08 (4,870 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

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Hi Tommy 


I have restored many nilfisks but there are a few models , Why don't you post a pic of yours so we can see and advise you .


Post# 155710 , Reply# 2   10/16/2011 at 19:14 (4,870 days old) by tommymilan (milano)        
here are the pictures

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hello, I'm sorry, I was trying to upload pictures from an Iphone but it didn't work, so here they are!!!
Any suggestion will be much appreciated.

Post# 155711 , Reply# 3   10/16/2011 at 19:16 (4,870 days old) by tommymilan (milano)        

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Post# 155712 , Reply# 4   10/16/2011 at 19:17 (4,870 days old) by tommymilan (milano)        

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Post# 155713 , Reply# 5   10/16/2011 at 19:18 (4,870 days old) by tommymilan (milano)        

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a little mummified hose

Post# 155746 , Reply# 6   10/17/2011 at 00:52 (4,870 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

dam what a find , I think that is one of the very first nilfisks. unfortunetly I have only seen one here at nilfisk never worked on one yet

Post# 155809 , Reply# 7   10/17/2011 at 18:37 (4,869 days old) by classicfan1 (Ohio, USA)        

Looks like a mechanical tombstone or perhaps an automotive transmission! Good luck, I'm sure parts will be very rare.

Post# 155931 , Reply# 8   10/18/2011 at 20:04 (4,868 days old) by kenkart ()        
This looks like..

Another European vac called a Tellus.

Post# 155947 , Reply# 9   10/18/2011 at 21:13 (4,868 days old) by vac_whisperer () a strange looking vacuum!

Post# 155970 , Reply# 10   10/19/2011 at 00:42 (4,868 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        
Another European vac called a Tellus.

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Thats because it is - at various times Nilfisk have been known as Tellus, I have one of these and I am not at all sure that it is not branded as Tellus.

It actually looks somewhat like an old-fashioned milk pan

I nabbed these instruction manual pictures from ebay a while back

Post# 155971 , Reply# 11   10/19/2011 at 00:42 (4,868 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        
2nd page

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Post# 155972 , Reply# 12   10/19/2011 at 00:43 (4,868 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        
page 3

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Post# 155994 , Reply# 13   10/19/2011 at 04:41 (4,868 days old) by kenkart ()        
I Sure Wish!!

A boatload of that European stuff could be shipped here!! I love it!

Post# 156278 , Reply# 14   10/21/2011 at 16:06 (4,865 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

I was just browsing on google, and I came across this. The first vacuum shown is the Tellus, and it has some pictures and an advertisement.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO vacuumfreak's LINK

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