Thread Number: 14686
where to find inexpensive bulk hose
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Post# 155568   10/15/2011 at 19:16 (4,776 days old) by jbclem (USA)        

I have a Eureka Vactronic cannister vacuum, model 1790A. The hose is long gone, so old it split every time I bent it. I don't have the power head, and so I'm just looking for some basic hose, 10-20 feet of it. I don't need adaptors since I still have the original hose to cannister adaptor(and other metal pieces) and it's easy to slide new hose over it. I'd like to find a source of bulk hose. I'm in the Los Angeles area if anyone knows of any local suppliers; but out of area would work also.


Post# 155630 , Reply# 1   10/16/2011 at 07:59 (4,775 days old) by massagemiracle ()        

I have a close friend that owns a vacuum store and he purchases bulk hose thru a company called State Supplys. I don't know much about them, I had ask where he gets his hose and thats the answer I got.  He pays just a $1. a foot for it, and he usually gets around 20 feet of it at a time.  I found bulk hose on Around the same price.

Post# 155635 , Reply# 2   10/16/2011 at 08:40 (4,775 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I think you can get generic lengths of hose from industrial hose suppliers, just make sure you measure the old hose first so you don't get something too tight or slack... :)

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