Thread Number: 14677
Family Filter Queen
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Post# 155475   10/15/2011 at 00:25 (4,842 days old) by classicfan1 (Ohio, USA)        

What is better than finding a nice family heirloom? Hey guys, its been awhile. Last time I was here, I had found an old Filter Queen model 33 in my step-dad's house we were cleaning. I didn't want to do anything with it because he told me that the attachments were still supposedly around-and with the case no less! Well, the house has progressed since. I cleaned like a mad man whenever I was there and in one of the bathroom closets I found an original package of Filter Queen Filter Cones, and the original sales contract and program in the original Filter Queen envelope. The contract is neat, it has the exact date it was bought, on September 15, 1969. On top of that, it has both of his parents down and how much it cost back then. I'm shocked how much his mother spent on a vacuum!

Well, every dog has his day and I was cleaning out a room in the garage. It is one of the last places to get cleaned out and I went to town! I found the case for the attachments, with the owner's manual, hair dryer (fits over your head and never used), vibrator/massager (with box), brush, hard floor duster pad, packaging material, and two ORIGINAL SCENT BOTTLES STILL MOSTLY FILLED! It doesn't end there. As I progress in my rage of throwing things away and banishing decent items to the yard sale pile, I nearly throw away the original box FOR THE VACUUM ITSELF! Even more attachments were inside it. The box had an old cot, badmitten raquets (spelling?), and a little potting soil in it. I dumped everything in the trash minus the box, attachments, and raquets (raquets will be sold).

I'm amazed at how well kept this Filter Queen is. Just curious how rare something like this is? I never thought it would be so complete. The only flaw is some heat damage on the rubber fittings over two or three attachments (where they connect together), but they're common items.

I'll post pics tomorrow, I don't have my camera on me. I couldn't wait to post this. This find kinda makes me sad how I couldn't keep my dad from tossing the Kirby least I saved the vacuum itself, but I digress.

Post# 155482 , Reply# 1   10/15/2011 at 03:51 (4,842 days old) by beerad (Beautiful Vancouver BC)        
I am very curious..

How much did that FQ cost? in 1969..

I will guess about $400.

Post# 155558 , Reply# 2   10/15/2011 at 17:24 (4,841 days old) by classicfan1 (Ohio, USA)        
I'll have to check

I'll have to check, I don't have it in front of me. I remember itwas about $350 give or take, so you're not too far off! That was a heck of a lot of money in 1969. Our money went much father then than it does now.

Post# 156210 , Reply# 3   10/21/2011 at 02:25 (4,836 days old) by classicfan1 (Ohio, USA)        

I got around to cleaning it up. The only parts that may need replaced or restored is the hard floor sweeper (paint mostly) and the rubber fitting over the hose connector (attachment side, heat damage). One of the rubber fittings over one of the extensions is also a little dry but I thought I read here that that can be fixed? Anyhow, the attachment case is in good shape, it has slight water damage on one side, not bad. The box for The Queen is still in decent shape, but it has some damage too, only a bit worse. It will really be for display not necessarily a functional piece (who's really gonna put this one back in the box for the display?), but I think the big reason why it was rough is due to the potting soil that was spilled in the bottom and the cots and tennis raquets crammed in it. I'll let the pics do the rest of the talking, if something else is missing, please let me know as I'm still cleaning this house!

The Queen's case before cleaning, I vacuumed it out and wiped out the bottom with a little Tilex on a rag, that took care of most of it.:


Cleaning up some attachments:

A little scuffed up:

Attachment case after cleaning and Vibrator box ironed out and rebuilt:

This is what I mean by "paint" on the hard floor attachment. I'm not sure if its a rare item or what. But it definatly needs restored.


The NOS Hair Dryer. My step-dad's mom thought a hair dryer on a vacuum was gross, so she never used it and put it away.


As said, I'm not sure how rare something like this is. I've never found or seen a Filter Queen this age that is this complete.

Post# 156211 , Reply# 4   10/21/2011 at 02:37 (4,836 days old) by classicfan1 (Ohio, USA)        
What the?!?

Ok, why didn't those pics load? I guess I forgot something...

I'm not going to reload all of that, but here are the pics of when it was finished:

Post# 156212 , Reply# 5   10/21/2011 at 02:38 (4,836 days old) by classicfan1 (Ohio, USA)        

Number 2

Post# 156213 , Reply# 6   10/21/2011 at 02:39 (4,836 days old) by classicfan1 (Ohio, USA)        

Number 3

Post# 156214 , Reply# 7   10/21/2011 at 02:41 (4,836 days old) by classicfan1 (Ohio, USA)        

Number 4:

Post# 156215 , Reply# 8   10/21/2011 at 02:52 (4,836 days old) by classicfan1 (Ohio, USA)        

Number 5:

Post# 156216 , Reply# 9   10/21/2011 at 02:53 (4,836 days old) by classicfan1 (Ohio, USA)        

Number 6:

Post# 156217 , Reply# 10   10/21/2011 at 02:54 (4,836 days old) by classicfan1 (Ohio, USA)        

Number 7:

Post# 156218 , Reply# 11   10/21/2011 at 02:58 (4,836 days old) by classicfan1 (Ohio, USA)        

Number 7:

Post# 156219 , Reply# 12   10/21/2011 at 03:04 (4,836 days old) by classicfan1 (Ohio, USA)        

Number 8:

Now, if one must see the others, simply copy and paste the URL into a browser.

Post# 156275 , Reply# 13   10/21/2011 at 15:04 (4,835 days old) by normvac (COLUMBUS, OHIO)        
Price of 1969 F Q !

Not surprising on the price. Having bought a brand new Kirby Classic in August of
1970. Than making payments of 12.00 a month on the purchase price of $350.00 after
trade in, than plus tax. Sounds about the right price. Looks like the F Q had
everything. As did the Kirby Classic, shampooer, right down to the Handi Butler.
I am not for sure what a new Lux 1205 went for, but thinking they were a little less. Aproximately/maybe 269.00,279.00, 289.00 ? Someone out there knows and will
clue us in on the Lux price.

Post# 156299 , Reply# 14   10/21/2011 at 18:05 (4,835 days old) by shag (Ontario, Canada)        

shag's profile picture
Nice vacuum. I like the colour.
My brown Filter Queen, has the same melted, cracking problem at the end of the hose. Mine isn't quite as bad as yours. I can get the tools to go on, but getting them off, is really hard.

Post# 156380 , Reply# 15   10/22/2011 at 10:02 (4,834 days old) by classicfan1 (Ohio, USA)        
Vacuum perfume?

Those glass Filter Queen bottles intrigue me. Were those a fad in the 60s? Seems like people used them up because I can't find any other examples anywhere.

Post# 156424 , Reply# 16   10/22/2011 at 14:16 (4,834 days old) by fairfax88 (Orlando, FL)        
Family Filter Queen,

Do you have any plans of selling it??

Post# 156595 , Reply# 17   10/23/2011 at 13:31 (4,833 days old) by classicfan1 (Ohio, USA)        

I already have a vintage Kirby, he is keeping the Electrolux, space is tight, something has to go. I would gladly sell it to good home. Hopfully I can avoid shipping it, because it looks like a pain. But, you never know.

Email me at

Post# 156872 , Reply# 18   10/25/2011 at 15:11 (4,831 days old) by classicfan1 (Ohio, USA)        

I haven't posted back yet, I've had car trouble. But the The Queen may find a new home soon. Her throne here is a bit crowded.

Post# 156885 , Reply# 19   10/25/2011 at 17:10 (4,831 days old) by vintagekitchen ()        
Glass Fragrance Bottles

Actually, My aunt purchased a brand new Filter Queen Majestic In 1991 or 1992, and it came with the set of 4 fragrances, all in the glass bottles, with the little peice of cork in the top to make them drip instead of pour. I beleive the scents were rose, lemon, pine, and eucalyptus.

Post# 157268 , Reply# 20   10/28/2011 at 12:14 (4,828 days old) by FilterQueenMan (Park City UT)        

filterqueenman's profile picture
Simply gorgeous! I love that machine - Enjoy - You can get a replacement hose from HMI albeit pricey - search ebay may be able to pick one up for far less. I think that is a great piece of family history - I would hold on to it.

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