Thread Number: 14665
Model 69 Switch Help!!!
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Post# 155335   10/13/2011 at 19:40 (4,873 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

Hello all. In the process of getting a model 69 convertible up to snuff and seem to have encountered an issue with putting the switch that has to do with the tool converter back together. It appears to be in 3 pieces, the switch unit, a smaill spring and a metal u shaped piece. Any help in the proper way to reassemble would be sooo very much appriciated!

Post# 155396 , Reply# 1   10/14/2011 at 10:57 (4,872 days old) by marukap (Saint Louis, MO)        
U-shaped thing??

I'm thinking that's either a foreign body picked up in the 69's travels over the years or something that fell off of the switch assembly itself.  Let's hope it is the former.


The speed switch assembly consists of six components.  See the following parts schematics and wiring diragrams for a "visual."


•  Part 29 = Fiber speed control switch insulator.  This lives between the switch and the metal main casting of the cleaner

•  Part 30 = The speed control switch as shown in your photo.  Connect the wires, then cover with . . .

•  Part 31 = Speed control switch housing (black plastic or Bakelite).  Top this off with

•  Part 32 = Patent plate.  Attached with two

•  Part 33 = Screws


The worst that can happen if you do not connect the wires correctly is either nothing (no power) or the motor will run on high when it should be on low and vice versa.


Hope this helps.





Post# 155397 , Reply# 2   10/14/2011 at 10:59 (4,872 days old) by marukap (Saint Louis, MO)        
Wiring Diagram

for Hoover 65 et al.

Post# 155398 , Reply# 3   10/14/2011 at 10:59 (4,872 days old) by marukap (Saint Louis, MO)        
Parts List

for Hoover 65

Post# 155403 , Reply# 4   10/14/2011 at 11:55 (4,872 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

There is a tiny spring that is inside the switch which allows the switch to flip back to "normal" speed when you pull the tool converter out. The photo is a bit blurry, and I would have to take a cleaner apart and look at a switch to know exactly what it's supposed to look like. The switch may need to be replaced if it's broken. They are delicate little switches.


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