Thread Number: 14653
Here is a vintage vacuum commercial I thought you might all enjoy
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Post# 155119   10/12/2011 at 09:26 (4,874 days old) by appliguy (Oakton Va.)        

It is from Australia and features the Pinnock Premier (the Australian version of the IEC Compact/Revelation/Tri Star)...PAT COFFEY


Post# 155130 , Reply# 1   10/12/2011 at 11:28 (4,874 days old) by thissucks ()        


they have been using that name and priciple for a long time "cyclonic action"

Post# 155136 , Reply# 2   10/12/2011 at 12:09 (4,874 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

And that's why my Tristar beat my Miele at cleaning the excessive amount of test crap I used off the floor using the Miele's own turbo nozzle... :P

That ad's pretty funny, the narrator sounds very British, yet it's an Aussie ad, makes me wonder if there's any of those rebranded Compacts left in Oz...`:)

Post# 155152 , Reply# 3   10/12/2011 at 13:42 (4,874 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        
Its a good price too!

vacbear58's profile picture
That channel is an AMAZING store of old commercials. But what surprised me is that the Pinnock is 33 guinies compared to 40 guinies for a connie, as the link below shows


Post# 155153 , Reply# 4   10/12/2011 at 13:44 (4,874 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        
And what about this one?

vacbear58's profile picture
Is this a variation of the GE Swivel top? Or a Eureka?


Post# 155158 , Reply# 5   10/12/2011 at 15:16 (4,874 days old) by kenkart ()        
I dont know BUT!

I would sure LOVE to find one, LOVE SWIVELTOPS!!!

Post# 155180 , Reply# 6   10/12/2011 at 18:24 (4,874 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

I always thought Brits and Aussies had the same accent- but I guess you guys you can tell. :)

Post# 155200 , Reply# 7   10/12/2011 at 22:09 (4,874 days old) by thissucks ()        

i was just about to say that aussies and brits sound the same to most americans.

however i can tell immediatly as i should since Australia is my future home :)

Post# 155215 , Reply# 8   10/13/2011 at 00:28 (4,874 days old) by Red_October ()        

I'm American and I can readily tell Australian accents from British. Given the time period and the fact that they're giving a price in Guineas they're trying to sound refined, so the guy is speaking in Received Pronunciation, AKA "BBC English". Nobody actually talks that way, and a Guinea as an actual piece of money you could give somebody hasn't existed for centuries. It comes from the Arabic "El-Gineih" meaning "A Pound", and for whatever reason at the time that meant 21 shillings. (A Pound of course has been 20 shillings for a long time, although I don't know if British people still call their 5-cent coins "Shillings") but for whatever reason a Guinea stayed 21 shillings, and to the best of my knowledge pricing in Guineas is still used for luxury goods, so 39 Guineas is ...40/19/- or 40.95 if I remember it right and my math is right...

Post# 155218 , Reply# 9   10/13/2011 at 01:21 (4,874 days old) by twocvbloke ()        
"I always thought Brits and Aussies had the same accent&

Nah, Aussies speak like they're always asking questions, even when they're not... :P

Plus you don't get many Flamin' Galahs in the UK.... :P

I'm glad I never had to learn about "old money", all them different denominations that never seemed equal to the amounts they made up, decimalisation is far simpler, 100 pennies in a pound, and that's it, no shillings, guineas, haypnies (Half-Pennies), crowns, bobs, bits, sovereigns (well, you still get those, but not in mainstream circulation), it's all so confusing, plus, Pounds Shillings & Pence were L/S/D, L for Pounds, S for Shillings, and D for Pence...... :S

It's a miracle we financially made it into the 21st century... :S
(and it'll be a miracle if we make it into the 2020's too!!!)

Post# 155231 , Reply# 10   10/13/2011 at 04:36 (4,873 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Pye made transmitters,radios,and other electronic items.and the 10# of sand--favorite in all TriStar-compact demos-used to do this-and after the machine ingested the 10 lbs of sand-you put the dirtmeter in it and showed with the test pads-how much dirt the TriStar could still pick up.Ahh-the days of being a temp part time TriStar salesman.Still have my saleskit and 10 lbs of sand.Its part of my collection now.

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