Thread Number: 14611
I'm not a fan of Hoovers, but, erm....
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Post# 154614   10/9/2011 at 04:14 (4,675 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I seem to have come home with a Senior model 652A, grey trimmed thing with a metal base.... :S

£12.50 paid, came with tools but no hose/converter pan, and sounds like a spanner in a blender, so I think the motor has rather dry bearings.... :S

I'll get some pics when I find my camera....

What was I thinking, oh, yeah, ebay profit... :D

Post# 154616 , Reply# 1   10/9/2011 at 05:05 (4,675 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Yup, it's a Hoover alright, got the leaning handle and all... :\

Most of the tools appear to be generic replacements, only a couple have the Hoover logo on them, the rest have no logos or just a circle where the Hoover logo would normally go...

And I have since found the noise is the brushroll, though the bearings in the motor do need replacing, the upper has been greased when it should have been oiled, and the lower one just sounds dry...

I'm not planning to keep this one (and I don't mean that in the same way as not planning to keep my Miele, and still having it over a year since I bought it!!), cos now I've got one, I can't see the appeal of the Senior/Convertible, but, that's just my opinion on it... :\

Post# 154618 , Reply# 2   10/9/2011 at 06:35 (4,674 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

Thats a really nice model, got the same one I am busy restoring, I like the early ones with the switch located underneath like yours and mine. Good quality long lasting machine

Post# 154633 , Reply# 3   10/9/2011 at 07:17 (4,674 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Unfortunately the picture doesn't tell the whole truth, the headlight lens has a few cracks in it, the bag has a hole in it where the hanger has poked it's way through, it smells musty, the hood has a couple of cracks (but, I think it's a generic replacement as there's no Hoover markings on it on the inside as I would expect), the cable has a few scrapes down to the inner cores (no bare copper though), brush strips are short, brushroll as mentioned sounds awful (might steal the bearings from my Junior 1346 remains to see if it improves that), and I haven't a clue how the height adjustment works, assuming it's meant to have more than one position... :S

Still, for £12.50 I guess I can't complain too much, I'll give it a bit of a clean and see if I can fit some VGII strips (worked for my Juniors!!), and then replace the paper bag with a Victor bag, cos they work so much better than the plain paper things it came with, bit I still don't think I'll be keeping it for long... :\

All I've done so far is fit a bulb, replace the belt and look at that upper bearing, don't think I'll be doing any more today cos I'm ready to fall fast asleep...

Post# 154635 , Reply# 4   10/9/2011 at 07:22 (4,674 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

Qualitex has many replacement parts including generic hoods headlight lenses and bearings , sewing machine oil does wonders on that top sleeve bearing 

Post# 154637 , Reply# 5   10/9/2011 at 07:41 (4,674 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Yeah, the bearing has been greased by someone in the past, and a greased sleeve bearing is a ruined sleeve bearing as it clogs up the pores in the bronze, so oil can't penetrate it, thus rendering it useless... :\

As for buying the parts, well, I could, but the fella I usually go to takes a couple of weeks to order them in (I can't go to Qualitex directly, as I haven't a business account with them), and as we're moving in a couple of weeks, I won't be able to go pick them up in time, so that's off the cards... :(

If I were to keep it for myself, I'd probably buy in a type-A bag setup from the US (bigger bag), and use the type-Y bags in it (HEPA bags, apparently), aswell as fit the brushroll with red Sebo brush strips, those modifications, done in the past by someone I know, improve the Senior/Convertible's performance, not up to the level of a Sanitaire, but decent than stock spec, but we shall see... :P

Post# 154640 , Reply# 6   10/9/2011 at 08:41 (4,674 days old) by hoovermanmick ()        

hi i hav the tool coverter if your interested i might hav spear pipe as well

CLICK HERE TO GO TO hoovermanmick's LINK

Post# 154747 , Reply# 7   10/9/2011 at 21:24 (4,674 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Yeah, I'm not really after using tools with it, after all, when it's said that a Junior with tools fitted can outclean it's bigger brother, the Senior, then it kind of shows how well-designed the Senior was... :S

For now though I should go find the brushroll from my Junior 1346 to steal the bearings, the Senior's sound like they've had it, very rough indeed... :S

Post# 154773 , Reply# 8   10/10/2011 at 01:23 (4,674 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Well, that's the musty bag washed, and now drying on Stripy Cat infront of the fire, and while I wait for that to dry, I did of course have to have a play with an F&G FilterAire bag, I just had to... :P

Works great too, much better than the Easy-Spill bottom fill Hoover style bags (my genuine Hoover cardboard bags are packed away, so only have the Qualtex generics that came with the vac, which are just as bad!!), doesn't fit in the Hoover cloth bag though, which is a shame... :P

Post# 154774 , Reply# 9   10/10/2011 at 01:25 (4,674 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

And to hold the bag upright, I used the latest in bag retention technology, the snapped-but-retied-elastic band... :P

Post# 154785 , Reply# 10   10/10/2011 at 05:14 (4,674 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield & London)        

vacbear58's profile picture
If you like it it might be worth trying to adapt a commercial (912) shake out bag to fit - its grey as well so it would not look too much out of keeping

Post# 154788 , Reply# 11   10/10/2011 at 05:37 (4,674 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Nah, the only shake-out bags I like are the Sani-Scraper Kirby bags, even the Electrolux C12's shakeput bag is a bit of a pain to work with, hence why I've bought a red Sanitaire ST bag to replace it... :S

That actually reminded me, I could probably get a generic grey bag (Qualtex, of course) from the local vac shop (if he has any), I got a grey one for my Junior U1104 from there, but as I've just washed the bag it came with, I'll wait and see what the future brings, I'm still thinking of just reselling it... :\

Post# 154792 , Reply# 12   10/10/2011 at 07:09 (4,673 days old) by watsonw (Newport, Shropshire, UK)        
Paper bag model outer zipped bags.

I have two 1334a's; one is in very good original condition the other in my own good recon finish. I use the recon more often and I use those Lux C12 type bags on it. My Mother's Friend made me the outer bag complete with a full length zip in it and from suitable grey material. I'd suggest this solution for the collector who wishes to use these disposal bags.

Regards, Walter, Shropshire.

Post# 154799 , Reply# 13   10/10/2011 at 08:43 (4,673 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I had thought about making bags for vacs (I made one using an old trouser leg for my 1346 Junior, didn't last long as I got bored of that vac when I got my unknown model and the 1334), but I have little experience of sewing machines and whatnot, so I don't think I'll be doing that, nor will the mother seeing how she has still yet to attach a zip on my Kirby G3 bag, so expecting a whole vac bag out of her would be a little too much... :P

But if I do decide to keep it and modify it, I'll just get a Hoover Type-A bag setup and a set of Type-Y bags from the US as I already mentioned above, the bag's grey, and the type-Y bags are HEPA rated (apparently), though I have seen some Filtrete type-A bags though, I don't have experience of them though... :)

For the moment though I can just cut the card plate end off a micro-lined Victor bag and strap that onto the Hoover exhaust, I do that with the Juniors so I know it works well, plus the bags are bigger and thus filter better than the standard Hoover bag... :)

Post# 154959 , Reply# 14   10/11/2011 at 03:23 (4,673 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Well, after fiddling with the brushroll bearings, I found that while the ones fitted were nice and smooth, they had more play in them than a hyperactive kid, so, I now have the bearings from the leftover Junior 1346 brushroll, so it's quieter than it was before, I'm just waiting on the bag parts to dry (bellows, filltube (swapped with a better condition one I had) and connector), then I'll get that back together...

Now, I have a problem with the wiring, someone in the past has fiddled with the wiring to the green capacitor, they snipped off one of the wires, and if another wire came loose, it could result in bad things happening... :S

Anyway, need to find where I put my silicone sealant to make a new seal for the bag connector, cos the seal it had fell apart when cleaning it... :\

Post# 155000 , Reply# 15   10/11/2011 at 11:17 (4,672 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Well, it's all back together, seems the bag's lost more of it's Hoover logo (wasn't much to begin with anyway), but the machine doesn't smell stale and musty now.... :)

Definitely needs brush strips, can't find my spare VGIIs at the moment though, probably packed in a box now, I'll see about getting some from the local vac shop tomorrow, he usually has such spares in, just to get the thing working as it should before selling it, plus I want to see what it's like before I either get rid or modify, just cos I can... :P

Post# 155241 , Reply# 16   10/13/2011 at 05:58 (4,671 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Holy monkey that thing has some issues with it's armature, it's got more grooves than a 70's soul group.... :S

The carbon bushes have been in long enough for them to also have matching grooves, yeah, the future's not looking orange for this old Hoover...

Shame I found that out AFTER I got some brush strips, I dunno, wiring issues, bag issues, motor issues, whatever next....

Even my Electrolux C12 wasn't this bad... :S

Post# 155438 , Reply# 17   10/14/2011 at 17:55 (4,669 days old) by thissucks ()        

in the antique fan crowd those groovs are called apple cores or apple coring.

and without re-cutting its screwed, and sometimes there isnt enough copper to do that.

Post# 155449 , Reply# 18   10/14/2011 at 21:37 (4,669 days old) by kittingerhoover ()        
Bag on the Striped cat!

I'd love to own that striped cat. I have complimented it before, but can't find one like it in the states!


Post# 155517 , Reply# 19   10/15/2011 at 09:40 (4,668 days old) by 74simon ()        

David, love your cat's hat!

shame about the motor, my 652A has the same problem, the carbon brushes were just a tiny wee bit worn (see below...), and the armature grooving means the new ones won't sit properly - main issue being the sparking interferes with my downstairs neighbours' freview box! A shame as it's so smooth otherwise. I'm trying to find out if you can skim a commutator without a lathe...

Have you warmed to it at all? Maybe it sensed your hostility :P The grey ones aren't the prettiest though. There is an easy way to improve the suction - I've cut a small bit of metal sheet so that when the converter is on it covers most of the remaining gap in the fan inlet, and secured it with a bit of strong duct tape. Makes a huge difference, when you put your hand over the hose end the bag twitches like it does on a Junior and the motor tone changes, it's well worth trying if you find the hose!

I've tried Oreck bags instead of H1's, cut off just above the cardboard collar. They fit the outer bag ok, and initial airflow also seems stronger, but I felt that they clogged too quickly. Don't forget that with the 652 etc it's less messy to just remove the whole bag assembly with the lever spring, turn it upside down and change the bag that way.

Post# 155526 , Reply# 20   10/15/2011 at 10:18 (4,668 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

When I get a collectible one with apple coring I just send it to my local rewind shop and they fit a new com to it, costs so little probibly not even £3.00 incl fitting solves the problem every time

Post# 155625 , Reply# 21   10/16/2011 at 03:37 (4,668 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Nope, I haven't warmed to it at all, the more I look inside of it, the more I dislike it... :\

I have tried to improve it, but, it's resisting (and that's futile!!!), and I don't really feel happy with it, I know I could replace the entire armature with a brand new one, and the brushes, and replace the bearings (upper and lower), but for all these improvements, it needs money, and that's pretty tight at the moment, especially as what I'm saving is going on my Sanitaires and my Victor, aswell as some other things...

I even gave it a speed boost by fiddling with the speed switch, flicking it over to High speed and it improved the floor cleaning, but given it's issues with the commutator and the lack of a working condenser, it completely wiped out my Freeview box, as I was watching Catchphrase too (about the only TV show I know that you can still play along to even when you can't hear it!!), so, I think I'm just going to stick it on ebay for someone who'll give it the time and appreciate it more than me, I just prefer it's Eureka competitors... :\

A link to the site I found a new armature for those interested (6th item down):


Post# 155836 , Reply# 22   10/17/2011 at 22:49 (4,666 days old) by thissucks ()        

new com for um... $6.00 USD??? around here it would cost a arm and a leg. a commutator CUT cost over $60.00

Post# 156603 , Reply# 23   10/23/2011 at 14:29 (4,660 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

And it's up on ebay, not going to bother linking to it, all you have to do is look for "hoover senior 652A"... :P

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