Thread Number: 14604
My new hoover 262
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Post# 154519   10/8/2011 at 08:06 (4,763 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

Wow so the same guy who GAVE me the Kirby 508 just happened to have this and 2 vorwerks aswell.


I have wanted one forever and now have one , a really good one .

It has all its attachments even in the origonal box ( box needs attention )

She purrs like a kitten with that hoover thump thump thump on the carpet. 


although she has a few scuffs , nothing serious and the underside looks brand new.


this is now the oldest hoover I have now 

Post# 154520 , Reply# 1   10/8/2011 at 08:07 (4,763 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

up close 

Post# 154536 , Reply# 2   10/8/2011 at 10:50 (4,762 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Definitely one of my favorite brown style hoovers ever! Beautiful hood design! That bag looms mint too!

Post# 154540 , Reply# 3   10/8/2011 at 11:19 (4,762 days old) by kirbymodel2c (Nottingham, England)        

kirbymodel2c's profile picture
Looks nice and in good condition.
What is the top of the handle like?? My Hoover 262 handle has gone funny at the top of it. Rubber has perished I think.


Post# 154565 , Reply# 4   10/8/2011 at 17:57 (4,762 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        
And the flex?

vacbear58's profile picture
Contratulations of the 262, it looks great. Is teh flex black or brown - it should be brown. I have a good example too although the outer casing of the flex has sort of melted into itself and another Uk collector has reported teh same thing.

You must be really pleased with your new additions, it was a great haul.


Post# 154602 , Reply# 5   10/9/2011 at 01:49 (4,762 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

The handle and flex are in great condition and both are original brown

Post# 154628 , Reply# 6   10/9/2011 at 06:58 (4,762 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture


Post# 154644 , Reply# 7   10/9/2011 at 09:35 (4,761 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

HOLY BUCKETS!!!!! That handle is incredible!!!! They usually deformed and disintegrated over time. That is truly a fine example

Post# 154646 , Reply# 8   10/9/2011 at 09:53 (4,761 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

Laughing This is me smiling 


What I can't believe is how light it is , today it would be classified as a LIGHT vacuum.


was using it today to vacuum the showroom which has wooden floors underneath the carpet. It just amplifies the thump of the brush roll

Post# 154705 , Reply# 9   10/9/2011 at 17:15 (4,761 days old) by SeamusUK (Dover Kent UK)        
Very Nice...

Just one question- the Headlight opening appears to have been blocked off? heres mine showing the lamp.


Post# 154706 , Reply# 10   10/9/2011 at 17:24 (4,761 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
very nice,

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

indeed.  That one is on my list.


Post# 154772 , Reply# 11   10/10/2011 at 01:18 (4,761 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

Yes I noticed that two , probably to stop young kids from sticking their fingers in there, I must remove it as i want it to be original i has a plexi glass cover over it 

Post# 154775 , Reply# 12   10/10/2011 at 01:31 (4,761 days old) by twocvbloke ()        
"probably to stop young kids from sticking their fingers

Well that won't teach them to not poke their fingers in lamp sockets, I learned that act was a bad idea when I was 4... :P

Post# 154778 , Reply# 13   10/10/2011 at 03:01 (4,761 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

actually you are so right, with all the health and safety laws these days Kid do not learn right from wrong early in life and so they find out latter the hard way. There would be an outrage here if you let your 8 year old son loose with a bow&arrow or let them go climbing in the hills all day but we did and we turned out fine. I can still remember playing in the back of my dads station-wagon when we went on long road trips , you will get a serious fine these days if you did that, NO children must be buckled up strapped inn and left to play vidio games all day, its to dangerous out there !!!

Post# 154779 , Reply# 14   10/10/2011 at 03:09 (4,761 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

It's the NSS in action, Nanny State Syndrome, heck, even I used to do things that kids are pretty much banned from doing because "it might be dangerous", I crossed rivers on collapsed girders, I disappeared outdoors all day, I walked miles on my own, I swung on tree swings made from old and fraying rope hung from a dodgy branch, I swam in rivers, I messed about with faulty electricals, use a proper drill before I was 10, it was bliss!!!

I was never that interested in playing video games, cos back in the day, they were expensive and we didn't have much money, about all I played was Doom and Worms, and maybe the odd sega game here and there, but, I had real life experience and benefited from that, it's a wonder kids are able to even understand what that mysterious door on the front of the house is for... :\

Rant over... :P

Post# 155486 , Reply# 15   10/15/2011 at 06:37 (4,756 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

David you not ranting your telling the truth,My dad is a great man but not a handy man , we inhereted lots of dangerous powertools from my grandad ( ones made before stafey gaurds were invented) been naturarly mechanical I to was using a saw bench and a lathe before I was 11 and found it frustrating that in school were I took woodwork we werent alloud to touch those toold untill our final years. It drove me insain. I was making bedside lamps and full tables at home but could only make stupid wooden cars in school.


You are right ( we agree for once ) allot of the adventure of life has been taken away, some of it is due o the amount of sick o's there are out there now  some due to modern society and been safe. I must admit my eldest son Joshua is nine , Anthony is 7 both have used a drill both can take apart and resemble a vacuum both can cut the lawn and use a weedwacker both can climb a tree , your not a real boy unless you've fallen out of a tree but I still won't let them ride around the streets on there Bikes without me there. Its a different world to when you and I grew up I just couldn't stand to loose them



Post# 155497 , Reply# 16   10/15/2011 at 09:08 (4,756 days old) by 74simon ()        

Gareth, what a great find, looks like it has been well cared for. My 160 has a similar tool box with a basic label stuck on, I think this indicates it was built after WW2 started, but before production ceased, possibly an ink shortage?

Very lucky the flex and handle are so good, they deteriorate due to being attacked by ozone in the atmosphere, so it might be an idea to find a protectant for them.

The lamp cover, or lack of is safe enough with an intact bulb fitted, common sense safety but easily overlooked. I'd rather see designed in safety, what one has to remember is that a lot of design safety came about due to injuries and deaths occurring - a case in point being cylinder cleaners with detachable flexes like some Electroluxes, these were outlawed in the UK after a child was killed having found the detached but plugged in lead on the floor. They had put it in their mouth... I agree there are lots of health and safety jobsworths out there making ludicrous decisions, but were it not for safety laws we'd all be using unearthed kettles, driving cars with fuel tanks over the engine and having to remember to open the window if we had the gas on... :P

Alistair, I have a spare brown cable if you want it, some cracking round the cord hooks but sound inside, only two core but will do the job!

Post# 155509 , Reply# 17   10/15/2011 at 09:32 (4,755 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

I agree with you to but were do we draw the line , when we wrap our children in bubble wrap ? 


Running my business from home and also haveing a full testing lab further down on the property ( for testing vacs) My two boys were exposed to some pretty serious equipment when they were just small, I obviusly set up saftey fenses in the lab and am very carfull about leaving anything lying around but I also took the time to explaie to them that it is dangerous. w have never had any injury's or even scares with my boys. that plug issue had to be terrible for the parents but who was at fualt , Electrolux , no the parents for leaving a cord plugged in , yep .


I often feel that arge companys get sued and pay a high price for customer stupididtyand the consumer ends up paying the price.


wait til some rich kid sticks a vacuum hose over his eye with the machine on , company's will get sued and we will all wonder how we managed to use such a dangerous machine.


I agree that the sometimes the laws are good but there is also common sense something that is lacking from modern society 

Post# 155525 , Reply# 18   10/15/2011 at 10:17 (4,755 days old) by 74simon ()        

It is hard to know where to draw the line, I do agree, and also making things safer can also make them more dangerous, paradoxically! I once heard a driving instructor say that if the government wanted to make people drive more carefully, they should take car seat belts out and replace them with a big sharp spike on the steering wheel boss - people would drive more carefully then!

I work in a health and safety job, and a lot of government guidelines in the UK are very vague, they like to use the phrase that action should be taken 'as far as is reasonably practicable', in other words, common sense should be used in judging risks. Sadly, some people in charge of h&s take it to extremes, restrict harmless things and give the whole safety industry a bad name.

People seem to be caught up in a blame culture nowadays, instead of something being just an accident, it has to be someone elses' fault! And that's partially to blame, as some companies and organisations are so scared of being sued that they take h&s to overkill levels.

Sadly, a lot of people don't have common sense. My job is to test and inspect electrical appliances in commercial premises and for shops to sell, and many times I've seen things that have been badly repaired (before 1994, appliances in the UK were mostly sold without fitted plugs, and I've seen loads of potentially dangerous items where the plug has been fitted badly - loose terminal screws, wires in the wrong terminals, earths not connected etc), as well as dangerous things being in everyday use. Sometimes it's very alarming, but if everything were maintained correctly I'd be out of a job...

I'm glad that you've clearly got the common sense to look after your children sensibly, I agree that educating them is the key, too many parents don't.

As far as the Electrolux case goes (and this applied to several different brands of cleaner, Electrolux are just the best known), whether the accident was due to the design or the owner of the cleaner, the child that died was the victim, and was blameless. Ultimately, it was a very simple part to redesign which neither affected convenience nor use, and didn't make it more expensive, so in this case I personally think the change in regulations did make sense.

Sorry for going off topic, hope you enjoy your new 262, it is a beaut!

Post# 155527 , Reply# 19   10/15/2011 at 10:29 (4,755 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

Hi Simon 

not off the topic , it was brought up here so why not. I was a test and development engineer for electrolux and allot of the testing was saftey testing so I know what you mean. I now have a vac shop and see terrible things as far as plugs go every day.



A few years ago I owned a carpet cleaning company and we used long leads on some machines , on the big scrubbers I would always check the earth leakage wire with a continuity tester , my theory was that if the live or neutral wires broke the machine would stop working and that often happened and if they can break so can the earth and the only time you will find out is when you are holding the big metal handle standing on a wet floor and something short circuits.

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