Thread Number: 14574
Can this be done?
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Post# 154257   10/5/2011 at 11:16 (4,901 days old) by kirbyds80 (California)        

Hello everyone,
I want to know if longer power cords can be put on the old Convertibles, and F&G uprights to make them more easy to use? I want to start doing this for people in which I find these machines for.

Post# 154260 , Reply# 1   10/5/2011 at 11:24 (4,901 days old) by normvac (COLUMBUS, OHIO)        
Yes, Jayson

They can. Every Hoover Convertible that needed a new cord or repair, back in the 80's when I had my repair shop. Always went out the door with a new 30ft white or
gray cord. As oppossed to the 19ft ones, that were orginal Hoover cords. They were not org. but the customer never cared and if they ask about the price. It was only a $1.00 more for the extra 10ft. They loved it. They come with the whole molded, curved handle end. Just like a Hoover cord, you just have to reconnect the wires to the switch and motor wires.

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