Thread Number: 14568
Kirby bag washing
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Post# 154198   10/4/2011 at 21:18 (4,756 days old) by williamr1248 (USA)        

I got my Kirby Legend out today and hand washed the bag. This was my vacuum bought new in 1989 and used until 2005. I sure wish they could do something to prevent the bags from leaking and smelling. I used only Kirby genuine bags and now the hepa bags but they always start smelling.  Once I started using the Rainbow-no more smell or bags to buy and no more dusting . 

The old Kirby has sure been dependable and long lasting. If it just didn't have the nasty bags to buy and change. It is also very heavy to lift and carry up and down the stairs and much harder to use in this house with hardwood floors,thick carpeting and area rugs.

I have used all the extra tools over the years.  Still runs like a champ! 

Post# 154200 , Reply# 1   10/4/2011 at 21:25 (4,756 days old) by williamr1248 (USA)        
Kirby bag washing

Here is the bag drying on the porch. It is amazing how dark the water turns from the fine dust that seeps through the hepa bags over time into  the bag's  fabric. I have washed the bag maybe 3 times in all these years. I hand  wash it in a vary mild soap and cool water. Then I hang it up and let it air dry.

I never wring it or put it in the washer. It comes out very nice and a lot cleaner. 

Post# 154202 , Reply# 2   10/4/2011 at 21:40 (4,756 days old) by williamr1248 (USA)        
Kirby bag washing

Anyone know what the retail price on this model was in 1989? I found my paperwork and I paid $735.00 but I think he discounted the machine. Of course $735.00 was a LOT of money back in 1989. I already had a Rainbow but I did not understand or appreciate the Rainbow at that time and the house we had just built in 1988 had wall to wall carpeting EVERYWHERE and was all on one floor.

Post# 154205 , Reply# 3   10/4/2011 at 22:04 (4,756 days old) by thissucks ()        

the two omegas i got where smelly as a dead dog's fart. i tossed them in the washing machine with two times the detergent then let them dry out in the sun.

best way to avoid smells ive found is avoid picking up moist food replacing bags if you smell anything (even if its not full) and keeping it out of closets.

i also put a drier fabric softener strip in the outer bag.

Post# 154209 , Reply# 4   10/4/2011 at 22:18 (4,756 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Look after that LegendII bag, they don't make them any more, they only supply the grey HeritageII/Legend version for them now... :)

As for the smells, I'd say that it's a case of be careful what you pick up, if you're picking up things that are rotting or fermenting in the bag, then they'll end up smelling, and as for the leaks, check your filltube is secure and not split, the Kirby Poly bags in my experience don't leak on their own, only through badly installed or split filltubes... :\

Post# 154239 , Reply# 5   10/5/2011 at 06:55 (4,756 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        

I have vacuumed drywall dust using MicronMagic bags and could not see any dust go into the outter bag. As mentioned, check your fill tube for leaks (easy way to do this is by washing the emtor+fill tube in water and filling the inside with water to see if they leak (great to do while the bag is off.)

I have washed close to a dozen bags in the washer (front load which is more gentle than top load) on DELICATE. It's amazing how much dirt comes out of any bag! You can add fabric softener (or febreeze) to the wash which smells nice when you fire it up the first few times. Kirby Odorific is another way of dealing with the smell (put a couple drops on tissue paper and stuff it in the emtor to get sucked up), I have the cinnamon scent it's lovely. lol

Post# 155891 , Reply# 6   10/18/2011 at 14:22 (4,742 days old) by vacuumfan96 (South East Michigan )        

That is a really beautiful LegendII!

Post# 156112 , Reply# 7   10/20/2011 at 03:53 (4,741 days old) by uprightman ()        
Here's what I have found helpful...

....Each time that you change the disposable bag - LEAVE it hangin' on the outside of the outer bag SO that you can use the upholstery tool and vacuum the INSIDE of the cloth bag. That will pull up any residual dust that the outer bag may be holding. That really should be all one needs....HOWEVER...

IF there is an odor that STILL persists, use your SUDS gun, along with the water and Kirby carpet shampoo and foam up the outside of the bag, let it dry and go over it with with either the utility brush or the upholstery attachment. That should do the trick.

Post# 157818 , Reply# 8   11/2/2011 at 19:08 (4,727 days old) by truckerx (Palm Springs, CA)        
Kirby bag-washing

truckerx's profile picture
Hint: I found that Woolite works well in tepid water. I hang the dripping bag in the shower or outside on a nice day. My trick is to then place the damp bag back on the machine for a final blow-dry.

Post# 157819 , Reply# 9   11/2/2011 at 19:15 (4,727 days old) by lunchboxsean ()        

When I change bags, I dump a little baking soda on the floor and vacuum it up first thing before I clean anything else. Just like baking soda keeps the smells out of your fridge/freezer it helps with that, too.

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