Thread Number: 14556
Electrolux LX and Electrolux E
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Post# 154053   10/3/2011 at 13:45 (4,853 days old) by richardlxixxx (Jupiter, Florida)        

I have an Electrolux LX that has a problem with the bag ejection system.  The vacuum works perfectly and has great suction.  However, the pusher plate keeps engaging and the door does not open, which smashes the bag.  Is there a way to disable the ejection system?  I do not have the "Church Key" that Electrolux used to provide.


Also, I recently obtained a mint condition Electrolux E.  Not the AE, but the first E.  It did not come with the matching combo dusting brush.  Does anyone out there have one that I can purchase??  I display my Electrolux vacuum cleaners with the attachments and really would like to have the matching dusting brush. 


I hope that someone out there in Vacuumland can assist me with the above situations.


A great day to all,



Post# 154059 , Reply# 1   10/3/2011 at 14:34 (4,853 days old) by reo580 (Holland, Michigan)        
LX bag

reo580's profile picture
I used to have an LX. I put a short pencil stub in the switch by the hose inlet, the small tab in the rectangle opening. That acted as a "church key" and prevented my LX from launching the bag out at me while I was cleaning.

Post# 154061 , Reply# 2   10/3/2011 at 15:03 (4,853 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
Sounds like your pneumatic system is working fine, if it trips the ejector spring.
But your door latch (which is adjustable) is jammed or not lifting, since when in fine tune the door will unlatch & open first with the motor running and in a few seconds, as the suction dies down only then does the spring release and eject the bag.

Easy to fix. Could simply be fine dust clogging the bleed inside the intake port, or lining the clear hose from the door innards through the hinge to the pneumatics & levers inside the base. Quite often the wells under the rubber diaphragms are packed with dust powder which will restrict their full play and movement. There are NO glued gaskets in there; everything is held together airtight with clamps and pressure plates.

Easy to remove and service.

Check this link for a painless overhaul tutorial.


CLICK HERE TO GO TO aeoliandave's LINK

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