Thread Number: 14497
Birtman Bee Vac
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Post# 153360   9/27/2011 at 13:54 (4,824 days old) by reich4313 ()        

Hello all. I have a Birtman Electric Company (Chicago) Bee-Vac. It is a cylindrical canister model that looks like a torpedo. It is grey metal and is on "sleds". It has the original hose. I am looking to sell this unit and was wondering if anyone can give me an idea of potential value (or rarity, desirability, etc) so that I can create an appropriate ebay listing.

I know that Kenmore used the Birtmans up until 1959 but this does not say Sears or Kenmore anywhere on it. I have searched high and low and can not find my model or any sales history on ebay or Worthpoint. Any ideas and or help?

Thank you!

Post# 153364 , Reply# 1   9/27/2011 at 15:32 (4,824 days old) by normvac (COLUMBUS, OHIO)        

I thought you said you had a picture of your machine.
Would like to see what kind of shap it is in ? As well
as just general appearance. As I am picturing the old
Kenmore Torpedo vacs from the 40's like my Aunt had. Until
she got her Model G lux.

Post# 153654 , Reply# 2   9/29/2011 at 06:54 (4,822 days old) by kenkart ()        

Made there own brand, Bee Vac, as well as Kenmore vacs, and mixers, They were absorbed by Whirlpool as was Seeger refrigeration, which built the Coldspot fridge, this was a buy out instigated by Sears to have more products made under one management, this happened in 57, I have a Kenmore horizon from 57 that still has the Birtman motor, one of the last Birtman Kenmores.

Post# 153658 , Reply# 3   9/29/2011 at 08:30 (4,822 days old) by Louvac (A)        
BeeVac Upright Model 400


I have an upright model 400 made by BeeVac. This is a well built machine with the bag on the left side of the machine. I had paid dearly for it on eBay many years ago before I knew better. Problem is, the damn thing screams like a banshee! And I mean, SCREAMS! I haven't attempted to repair it for fear that if I break something I will not be able to find a replacement part. It sounds like it could be a bearing and then again it could be the fan (?).

Hans, help! Are bearings for these motors still available? Do you, if anyone have any pictures of this model?


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