Thread Number: 14470
Delco 300 vac?
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Post# 152940   9/24/2011 at 22:22 (4,688 days old) by thissucks ()        

Hi, this is my first post, im looking foward to discussing with all of you.
im trained as a auto mechanic but just got a job at a vac shop. I'm into antique fans (and restore them) and unfortunatly ive been bit by the vac bug (dammit)but have always had a intrest in them.

anyway, i picked up a working Delco 300 upright, its all metal, has phone dial wheels (only two wheels in the back) a top mounted motor with alu fan, and side discharge. it does have a brush roll.

does anyone know anything about this fossil?

also, the commutator has a slight flat spot in it (jammed at one time?) will this wear away or does it need to be "turned"?

Post# 152949 , Reply# 1   9/24/2011 at 22:50 (4,688 days old) by goadie12 ()        

Well welcome to vacuumland and I know you will enjoy it here. If you had pictures of the vacuum it would be easier for us to give you some more info thanks. Zach

Post# 152968 , Reply# 2   9/24/2011 at 23:44 (4,688 days old) by thissucks ()        

i will get a pic tomorrow. its a scary machine.

Post# 154723 , Reply# 3   10/9/2011 at 19:50 (4,674 days old) by thissucks ()        

i think the motor is shot :( its really loud (bad bearings) and the armature sparks a real lot (brushes ok) unless its supposed to spark like that, all vac motors will spark to some extent but this is pretty bad.

looks like a hoover motor also the fan is intact!

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