Thread Number: 14347
Regina Electrik Broom
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Post# 151496   9/14/2011 at 19:19 (4,776 days old) by LongLiveKirbys (Minneapolis)        

Can anyone give me ingo on this model: B815TG Regina that I aquired a while ago?
Serial Number: 017
5.7 Amps
Any info greatly appreciated!

Post# 151497 , Reply# 1   9/14/2011 at 19:20 (4,776 days old) by LongLiveKirbys (Minneapolis)        

Opps! Meant to say "info" not "ingo" lol my mistake

Post# 151499 , Reply# 2   9/14/2011 at 19:59 (4,776 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

Holy cow, Trevor, that's a blast from my past!   Our next door neighbor had an identical one, back in the mid to late 60's.

Post# 151889 , Reply# 3   9/18/2011 at 11:53 (4,772 days old) by electrikbroomgu (Rome, NY)        
Regina Broom

electrikbroomgu's profile picture
This I believe is a 1968-69 model mid range two speed high performance series broom as noted by the rather high 5.7 amp rating. Most of the regular series models were on the 2.5-3 amp range. I have basically the same broom but instead of being a model
B815TG mine is a B815TD with the only real difference being a slightly older motor housing. Does yours by chance have a slide switch or the old metal pole switch that goes up for low speed and down for high and in the middle for off?

Post# 151900 , Reply# 4   9/18/2011 at 12:35 (4,772 days old) by LongLiveKirbys (Minneapolis)        

the switch is exactly like that! does anyone know anything about the serial number?

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