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Post# 151142   9/10/2011 at 14:01 (4,703 days old) by massagemiracle ()        

This is the picture of the shed that is holding all the vacuums that the guy in Greensburg,Tn has been buying and storing.  I never made it down to Greensburg Tn. to see these vacuums. Time and money got in the way, money did because he started raising the price on them before I even made plans to leave.


Now he claims since I didn't come down, he sold a couple and all that you see in the picture is being hauled to the dump. He wants to move and to get rid of them so he is threatening to take them all to the dump somewhere in Tennessee. 


He has a listing on Craigslist in Tennessee under Greensburg. If anyone is interested. I don't plan on going.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO massagemiracle's LINK on Louisville Craigslist

Post# 151153 , Reply# 1   9/10/2011 at 15:25 (4,703 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
Sorry, I cannot come because I am in Portland, Oregon. Too much money to travel from here to there.

~Ben Edge (KirbyClassicIII)

Post# 151517 , Reply# 2   9/15/2011 at 00:31 (4,699 days old) by sharkwo7 (Edinburg Texas)        

sharkwo7's profile picture
This guy with the vacuums is pull your leg, he knows that you are a collector,and sentinel mattel, with vacuums. He knows thire is value in them, he just doing that to make you buy them. My local vacuum shop owner is the same way, he tells me that he will take them to the dump, but when I offer to buy them he raise the price, I ask my self if he wanted to take them to the dump, why can he give them away to me anyway.

Post# 151523 , Reply# 3   9/15/2011 at 00:48 (4,699 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

its funy how people are , somethig that has no value and was going to be thrown away suddenly they want $100.00 for it.

I had a guy pretty close to my house respoond to my old vacuums wanted add. He had an old Hoover I was after for a long time. I tried to contain my exitment when he sent me the pics but as soon as he knew I wanted it he suddenly started asking $85.00 for it. He thretended to throw it away and I took a chance, My mate who runns the recycling plant in our area called me up to say he had this hoover and I could come fetch it (FREE) I couldn't help my self and took some pics once it was all cleaned up and sent it to the old owner saying thankyou as I got it for free.



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