Thread Number: 14287
From C type to A type?
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Post# 151036   9/9/2011 at 09:07 (4,704 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        

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I'm trying to thin out the herd for space reasons and my convertible and decade i view as similar machines, so i was curious is there some kind of overmolded filltube like there is for eurekas that would allow you to use A bags on a convertible? Yes i know, such an idea seems like blasphemy.

Post# 151039 , Reply# 1   9/9/2011 at 10:53 (4,704 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Going from memory (23% reliable), I think you can get a Type-A outer bag assembly which should fit most Hoover Convertible type uprights (Including the Senior for us brits), and then once you have that, you can use I think Type-Y Allergen bags in there aswell as the more basic Type-A bags...

I think this is the bag assembly you need (could be dismantled to fit the tube to an original Hoover bag I guess, just not the really skinny Type-C ones), the Type-A & Y bags are easy to find:

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Post# 151048 , Reply# 2   9/9/2011 at 14:01 (4,704 days old) by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

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Are you asking if Convertibles can use type A Hoover bags? Yes, every Convertible can use A bags with ether the original fill tube designed for top-fill bags, or with older machines, replacing the outer bag and installing bellows with a top-fill fill tube.

Although a new bag might not look as nice, the bag collar is the same on type A, Y, and Z bags, which are more readily available than type C bags. Plus, type Y bags come in HEPA filtration, so your 40 year+ Convertible could filter as well as current models!

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Post# 151050 , Reply# 3   9/9/2011 at 14:24 (4,704 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

eBay DeJaVu there.......

Post# 151061 , Reply# 4   9/9/2011 at 17:22 (4,704 days old) by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

bagintheback's profile picture
Oops, sorry twocvbloke. I read your post but forgot you posted the link. I'll remember next time!

Post# 151077 , Reply# 5   9/9/2011 at 21:15 (4,704 days old) by Blackheart (North Dakota)        

blackheart's profile picture
Thanks for the help David and you go by Nate or prefer Nathaniel?

Post# 151083 , Reply# 6   9/9/2011 at 22:05 (4,704 days old) by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

bagintheback's profile picture
I'm glad I could help. I prefer to be called Nathaniel. Let us know if you decide to upgrade your Convertible to the A bag setup. I know it will work but I've never seen someone try it; most of the time they just replace the outer bag and keep the C bag fill tube. Good Luck!

Post# 151084 , Reply# 7   9/9/2011 at 22:15 (4,704 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I've seen the conversion in use, using the Filtrete type HEPA bags improves the airflow for sure (but then, that works on any vac that's upgraded to such bags), I just can't say how much of a difference though cos it wasn't my modification... :)

You can also add the Red Sebo brush strips to the brushroll aswell from what I've been told in the past to improve it's sweeping abilities, with these modifications you'd have a more respectable vacuum cleaner, nothing on the level of the Eureka and Sanitaire models of the same ages, but it'd be a lot better than stock spec... :D

Post# 151088 , Reply# 8   9/9/2011 at 23:51 (4,704 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
The "conversion" from a C bag

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is simple.  It works well.  It DOES send more air into the bag,  thus,  increasing suction.  It also helps the tools, too.  I'm a purist,  but,  it's simple to "convert" any convertible.

Post# 151414 , Reply# 9   9/13/2011 at 17:14 (4,700 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

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Yes, I just bought a beat-up Hoover Convertible #589 that someone had converted to take Type A bags. The entire bellows system is available to fit the old Convertbile openings. As the prior posters here have said, you will need a new bag, because the fill tube takes up some room and requires a slightly wider bag....Good Luck.

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