Thread Number: 14255
All Purpose Cleaner for Vintage Vacuums.
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Post# 150720   9/7/2011 at 09:40 (4,909 days old) by massagemiracle ()        

This is SD-20, it is a all purpose cleaner that I use to use at the factory here in Indiana where we built the door panels for Chrysler, ford, GM, etc. If a door panel or any other part got dirt, grease, china marker, anything on it, we used SD-20 to clean the plastic or metal. It takes off about anything without harming the plastic at all. It is safe. Made by Spartan I found it online and now buy it to use on vacuums. I even got the vacuum stores to start carrying it because it removes paint from the vacuums, will aid in getting rid of the yellowing of plastic due to the passage of time.

Post# 150721 , Reply# 1   9/7/2011 at 09:44 (4,909 days old) by massagemiracle ()        


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Post# 150723 , Reply# 2   9/7/2011 at 09:48 (4,909 days old) by massagemiracle ()        

I just thought that for those who endevor to clean up their vacuums that this might help, do like I did and go in together and buy a case, its 36.30 a case and you get a dozen of them. Makes it around 2.90 a can. And it does a great job. And it does great on cleaning your cars interior!!

Post# 150727 , Reply# 3   9/7/2011 at 09:55 (4,909 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

gsheen's profile picture

I wonder if its available here, going to go look tomorrow.

Thank you for the tip , we take great pride in our work and like to send a customers machine back all polished up and shiny , the trouble is always paint markes on dimpled plastic and rubber

Post# 150827 , Reply# 4   9/7/2011 at 23:38 (4,909 days old) by Real1 ()        

it's good for cleaning up bumpers, plastic trim and such......but should it be kept away from pristine, original paint?



Post# 150829 , Reply# 5   9/7/2011 at 23:53 (4,909 days old) by massagemiracle ()        

I have sprayed it on the entire vacuum, and it does not hurt paint. But I never assume that long term damage might happen with any chemical so I rinse off any metal that has made contact with ANY chemical cleaner. Dry it and then I wax the entire machine.

Post# 150870 , Reply# 6   9/8/2011 at 08:02 (4,908 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
Been googling to no avail so I wonder if it is available in any walk-in store?

Such as along the road route from Milwaukee to Minneapolis, or anywhere in Michigan.
There's not much I can do from the Canadian side...
I'd like to have some to try out at the Convention and bring a few cans home.
Maybe we could do a first day Group Buy and have a case waiting at the Convention? I'm sure it would sell out entirely and fast and I'd be willing to purchase the remainder.
At only $36.30 a case it's a bargain for a test trial. And I'd want to use in in the car interior, too.

I have great luck cleaning up vacuums and their pieces with Mr Clean Magic Eraser, Automotive metal/paint de-greasers, polishes and waxes, Lighter Fluid is a staple and various other toxic chemicals, depending on the materials, unwanted sludge and adhesives involved.


Post# 150871 , Reply# 7   9/8/2011 at 08:16 (4,908 days old) by massagemiracle ()        

I've never seen SD-20 in a store before. We used it at the plant for everything, we cleaned conveyor belts, presses, walls, let alone all the parts that we produced. After using it for years (14) at IAC, I knew it would do a great job on cleaning up vacuums and I was right.

Post# 150934 , Reply# 8   9/8/2011 at 19:24 (4,908 days old) by silverlux (Des Moines, IA)        
Spartan--SD-20- - - - - - - - -

silverlux's profile picture

Spartan products are not available on the retail market.   Only from commercial supply houses.  I use Spartan products in my cleaning business, and have for well over 20 years.  It would be easy for me to pickup and bring a case of this stuff to Minneapolis next week.  I'll bring one case, unless more people have an interest in trying it.  Then I can bring more, but will need to know by Monday morning.  Let me know!


Can't wait for next week!!!



Post# 150936 , Reply# 9   9/8/2011 at 19:30 (4,908 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

If it removes paint, I definitely dont want to have anywhere near my vacs.

Post# 150942 , Reply# 10   9/8/2011 at 20:38 (4,908 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
Sam, nowhere in this thread has anyone suggested that SD-20 is harmful to paint or any other surface. It is an industrial degreaser used Professionally and therefore vetted enough for me.

Dan, I am your customer for several cans, thanks. See you in Minneapolis.

Say, is there a Car Vacuuming & Detailing Competition in the Hotel Parking Lot?

Dave, only half kidding...

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CLICK HERE TO GO TO aeoliandave's LINK

Post# 150982 , Reply# 11   9/8/2011 at 23:11 (4,908 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
"the trouble is always paint marks on dimpled plastic and rubber"

Gareth, although is is hardly a cost-effective method for a Shop, I know, personally I detail these trouble spots with dental picks and pointy wood toothpicks to chip the deposits out without inviting scratches. Mostly it is impacted crud or baseboard paint that lifts out easily.

It's the only way to deep clean the textured leatherette on an Electrolux LX, XXX, European Progress and the thick baked wrinkletone on some Compacts and Hoovers.

Toothbrushes just can't cut it and wire brushes are out of the question.

Dave, a nut for detailing.

Post# 150994 , Reply# 12   9/9/2011 at 00:56 (4,908 days old) by massagemiracle ()        

I cleaned an LX with SD-20 and it did a wonderful job. I have used it for along time. Every vacuum you see in my collection has had it used on them. I use a series of items on cleaning vacuums, but I also use 0000 steel wool pads they don't leave marks!

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