Thread Number: 14249
electrolux canister
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Post# 150649   9/6/2011 at 21:40 (4,845 days old) by cwkaiser ()        

I have an old electrolux canister that might have a blown motor. I cannot find any identifying numbers or serial numbers anywhere on the unit. Can anyone help me to get it running? Thanks

Post# 150688 , Reply# 1   9/7/2011 at 00:46 (4,845 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




Hello, that is a Model E, sold from 1954 until 1956. Can you be more specific than "blown motor?" What are the symptoms? What is happening (or not happening?)



Post# 151329 , Reply# 2   9/12/2011 at 12:41 (4,839 days old) by cwkaiser ()        
Model E electrolux repair

Can anyone direct me to a person/place that could provide repairs for my Model E electrolux canister? Thanks

Post# 151330 , Reply# 3   9/12/2011 at 12:54 (4,839 days old) by massagemiracle ()        

I think that a model L motor would fit in this one. I have a very good running L but the body is shot to hell on it. I have tested the motor several times and it is a damn good motor, runs so quiet and strong. I don't need it, make me an offer and change it out yourself!

Post# 151563 , Reply# 4   9/15/2011 at 13:14 (4,836 days old) by cwkaiser ()        
Model E electrrolux

How about $25? Thanks

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