Thread Number: 14231
Clarke 500?
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Post# 150444   9/5/2011 at 07:47 (4,846 days old) by funvacfan (Canada)        

funvacfan's profile picture
Is this a Eureka in disguise? That bag looks very full! Let's hope they empty it before shipping!


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Post# 150448 , Reply# 1   9/5/2011 at 08:07 (4,846 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

WORLDS Different from an eureka

These machines are absolutely massive in size in terms of their fans. They have a ridiculous fan in them that makes a eureka look like a toy.

Twocvbloke has one, maybe he can snap a fan picture for you.

Post# 150450 , Reply# 2   9/5/2011 at 08:46 (4,846 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Yes, I have one, called a Victor Europa model 271, they're HUGE machines in comparison to a Eureka or Sanitaire, the fans they have are about 8 inches in width, and are just insanely powerful!!! :P

Just need to find where I stored the pics when I pulled it apart... :S

Post# 150452 , Reply# 3   9/5/2011 at 09:03 (4,846 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        
clarke 500

gsheen's profile picture
I have a customer who has one here, she loves it but her furniture takes a beating
Trully a great vac
Does any one here have an advance in there collection

Post# 150453 , Reply# 4   9/5/2011 at 09:11 (4,846 days old) by funvacfan (Canada)        

funvacfan's profile picture
Wow, that sounds like a big fan! What age are these from? Did they use a dump bag, or paper bags?


Post# 150454 , Reply# 5   9/5/2011 at 09:23 (4,846 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

My Victor uses disposable bags, I'm not sure about the Clarke versions though, but they do list the Clarke on the bag packs I got recently... :)

Found the pics, and there's an MP3 file in there so you can hear how it sounds... :)


Post# 150463 , Reply# 6   9/5/2011 at 10:44 (4,846 days old) by funvacfan (Canada)        

funvacfan's profile picture
Holy Cow! That fan is huge! Thanks for the detailed pics. It sounds quiet also.


Post# 150467 , Reply# 7   9/5/2011 at 11:09 (4,846 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        

vacbear58's profile picture
It appears that we have a variation of this machine on ebay UK at the moment too


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Post# 150469 , Reply# 8   9/5/2011 at 11:36 (4,846 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

There's a few names that it's sold under:


Possibly a couple more too, but I don't know those... :)

Post# 150616 , Reply# 9   9/6/2011 at 18:18 (4,845 days old) by rickenbacker ()        

I would SO buy that! but that would mean all of my birthday spend gone lol. Those are really beautiful machines, I bet they clean great. Did any of them have any access to tools?

Post# 150621 , Reply# 10   9/6/2011 at 19:07 (4,845 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Their cleaning ability is superb, literally one-pass cleaning, but really you need a large space to use them cos they need a fair bit of room to manoeuvre, even this living room with the floor cleared of superfluous rugs, it's a bit tough to move it about.... :S

You should buy it, the courier cost if you go via Parcel2Go would be about £15, rather than their quoted £20.75, they're just insane cleaners that have to be experienced... :D

Getting replacement belts though, that's a tough problem, cos the ones I've found for the Clarke models over in the states, they wanted about I think $40, for a $3 part, the rest was Postage... :S

And no, you can't use Hoover Senior or Eureka RD belts, they rub on the rugplate and just melt and break, so, yeah, that's why I don't use mine much cos I don't want the belt to break on me... :(

Post# 151147 , Reply# 11   9/10/2011 at 14:56 (4,841 days old) by super-sweeper (KSSRC Refurbishment Center)        

super-sweeper's profile picture
i want one so badly!!!!

Post# 151154 , Reply# 12   9/10/2011 at 16:04 (4,841 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Have fun finding another, that Clarke 500 at the top of this thread went for a lot more than the Electrolux version that was on sale here in the UK, I'm sure whoever bought either machine will find out what a superb machine they are, I know I won't part with my Victor 271 any time soon!!! :D

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