Thread Number: 14217
Today's Picture of the Day
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Post# 150319   9/4/2011 at 11:35 (4,709 days old) by richardlxixxx (Jupiter, Florida)        

My absolute favorite vacuum of all time is the Electrolux LX dipicted in today's Picture of the Day. In my opinion, the LX is the most beautiful Electrolux ever produced. Maybe not the most practical, but certainly beautiful. The LX was the first vintage Electrolux I ever purchased. It was obtained from the original owner and came complete, including the sales receipt.

I am quite sure others in this forum will disagree about the beauty of this elegant vacuum, but that is why we are all members of this Club.

A terrific Labor Day to all,


Post# 150329 , Reply# 1   9/4/2011 at 12:20 (4,709 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        


I have to agree that the LX is beautiful. I always had a "thing" for my Grandmother's vacuum cleaner - but it was the LX that got me interested in vacuum cleaners to collect and study.

And who says they aren't practical? They make great boat anchors.


Post# 150367 , Reply# 2   9/4/2011 at 16:58 (4,709 days old) by richardlxixxx (Jupiter, Florida)        
Beautiful Electrolux LX

Hi Rick,

My Grandmother had an LX. Even as I child I thought the machine was incredible. My mother had a XXX and purchased the LX as a gift to my Grandmother when my Grandparents purchased a country house.

Electrolux vacuums were the preferred brand of vacuums with all of my relatives. Unfortunately, due the inconsistancy of Electrolux manufacturing in the 1990's, we all eventually graduated to Miele.

In my opinion, the last great Electrolux vacuum was the Olympia One or the Silverado. After those models, the motors were changed and quality just seemed to decline. When it came time to upgrade to a newer vacuum, I could not justify the price of a new Aerus Guardian or the Legacy. Plastic machines that were much too noisy and much too cumbersome to use. I purchased my first Miele, Champagne model, and love it. It is quiet, extremely powerful, and easy to use.

I still love the early Electrolux vacuums. It really is unfortunate that Electrolux/Aerus has stopped producing quality, user friendly vacuums.

Enough of my rant. The LX is still beautiful.


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