Thread Number: 14166
Has anyone tried this?
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Post# 149779   8/31/2011 at 21:00 (4,851 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Today I heard of an excellent rust remover- Coca-Cola!

I am wondering how well it will work- Ill probably try it out on the rust spots on my Sanitaire first. (Its my "lab rat" vac. LOL)

My only worrry is that it will get all sticky and impossible to come off.

Any input?

Post# 149781 , Reply# 1   8/31/2011 at 21:11 (4,851 days old) by Real1 ()        

knew several people who used Coke to get the bugs and junk off of fancy chrome grills, on cars. Of course they rinsed it off.  Try the "lab rat" and report back.Wink



Post# 149783 , Reply# 2   8/31/2011 at 21:16 (4,851 days old) by massagemiracle ()        

The only thing I ever heard of soda's being good for is to de-alkaline battery posts in a car. I can see my father pouring coke on his and others battery posts to stop the build up. But as for rust,. thats new to me. Rust is the oxidization of metal, any steal wool pad and liquid will remove the rust.

Post# 149791 , Reply# 3   8/31/2011 at 21:32 (4,851 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Yep. Ill try it out on the Sanitaire tomorrow and see how it goes.

Post# 149821 , Reply# 4   8/31/2011 at 23:02 (4,851 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        
Why bother?

aeoliandave's profile picture
There are many industrial & domestic petroleum based non-H2O concoctions on the market for the softening and removal of rust stains and corrosion. Ask any Housewife, Dad, Mechanic or Body Shop Man.

Coca-Cola is a beverage and as such is mainly water (rust inducing, get it?) and a sticky sugar syrup (that will hold and retain the water in paint cracks & crevices and under fittings & rubber trims unless completely rinsed away and quickly dried.

Prized metal machinery is the last thing I would be pouring Coke or Pepsi over. Just as WD-40 is banned from my workshop.


Post# 149840 , Reply# 5   9/1/2011 at 05:47 (4,851 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Mythbusters tried this out in one of their earlier series, check it out, the results are interesting...

Post# 149852 , Reply# 6   9/1/2011 at 07:37 (4,850 days old) by dwhdarren97 ()        

It works, I put a completely rusted nail in a bottle of Coke for a weekend and it came out shiny. I then rinsed it and it wasn't sticky, while it is a waste and takes too long, it is interesting. I have heard diet Coke works best. Must be all the extra crap they put in it to make it taste decent :P .


Post# 149885 , Reply# 7   9/1/2011 at 11:38 (4,850 days old) by westingman123 ()        

Coke has acid. We used it at Jack in the Box to clean oil off the drive-thru pads. I don't think it'd be great for restorations. Naval jelly is my remover of choice.

Post# 149895 , Reply# 8   9/1/2011 at 12:25 (4,850 days old) by whirlpolf ()        

I use Coke on my bike, at least once a year. Have completely abandoned all other products for this.
In order to work quickly even on more stubborn spots I scrub the cola in with some aluminum kitchen foil.
Works like a charm.
After this some protection with clear enamel or when not applicable, a thin mist of WD-40, but this must be done again after some time.

Since I don't like Coke as a drink, you'll find it under the kitchen sink in my house. LOL

Post# 149897 , Reply# 9   9/1/2011 at 12:28 (4,850 days old) by whirlpolf ()        

Forgot to mention: Margarine is a perfect tar remover and gets insects off as well, even on helmet visors. Degrease with Windex after this.

Post# 149922 , Reply# 10   9/1/2011 at 15:24 (4,850 days old) by Red_October ()        

Yeah it's got acid in it which makes it have some de-rusting properties, but it's nowhere near as good as any sort of commercial product intended for the purpose, mostly because it's not strong enough and it's too thin, so you can't get it to stay on a small area for long enough to work. It's one of those things that's sort of true but not useful, if that makes sense.

Post# 149930 , Reply# 11   9/1/2011 at 16:51 (4,850 days old) by kenkart ()        

I dont know about rust, but if you have a smeary bug covered windshield, pour a coke on it with the wipers on, it will be squeaky clean in seconds, then rinse of course, this works great in the rain, just pour it on and go!

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