Thread Number: 14128
Help needed to find out about vacuum
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Post# 149422   8/29/2011 at 13:32 (4,715 days old) by blabla3269 ()        

Thanks for reading and I hope you can help!
I was cleaning out a bunch of boxes that had loads of my Grandmothers old stuff in it and came across a vacuum that looks pretty old. It also looks like an early version of a dust buster and I wanted to find out if it is worth anything before I just throw it away.
Its body is like a goldish color and the bag is grey. The writing on the vacuum itself says its a Cadillac Quick Vac and the silver plate on the body says:
Clements MFG CO. Chicago
Cycles 25-60
Watts 200
Model 60 102976
Volts 110-120 a.c. d.c.
then it also has the pat info and made in the U.S.A

It also works for I tested it out.

Any information on it would be very useful for I have looked everywhere but if its worth anything I plan on selling for i have 2 children's birthday on the way and xmas right after and just got laid off so I have my fingers crossed.
thanks so much..I can also provide a picture it will just take a few days for I loaned it to a friend for her vacation and have to wait for her to return my camera
Again thank you so much for helping me find out what this is

Post# 149545 , Reply# 1   8/30/2011 at 09:05 (4,714 days old) by Real1 ()        

I'm wrong, but I smell 'foul' on this. No profile info is filled out whatsoever, hard luck story etc.


Post# 149562 , Reply# 2   8/30/2011 at 10:00 (4,714 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
You've probably noticed an unusual crop of recent, or newly posting lurking 'members'.

This is the usual mischief & nuisance from cranky outsiders in the weeks leading up to the Convention...happens every year.
Another warning bell clue is how their profiles are filled out if at all and of course, email addresses & screen names.
I feel it it up to the new members to at least introduce themselves before asking for this & that. A properly parsed introduction goes a long way toward restoring confidence. Teenboys are easy to identify from the dreadful syntax, grammar and spelling.
Some may be legitimate but all will be viewed with suspicion until vetted by another member.


Post# 149564 , Reply# 3   8/30/2011 at 10:12 (4,714 days old) by myvacsrock (USA)        
Hate to tell you..

But hand vacs or "quick vacs" just don't sell. They are not collectable enough. There are not enough people interested in them either.

As for value, an old vacuum is only worth its weight in dirt. Basically worthless, UNLESS you find someone that is willing to pay something for it. That is about the only exception when it comes to the worth of an old vacuum.

I am sure you can put your machine on Ebay and make $5-$10 out of it. Sorry, it just isn't that uncommon.


Post# 149566 , Reply# 4   8/30/2011 at 10:21 (4,714 days old) by westingman123 ()        

"dreadful syntax, grammar and spelling"

I'm so glad someone else was thinking that.


Post# 149567 , Reply# 5   8/30/2011 at 10:57 (4,714 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Well, let's wait and see what happens.  I'll make the final call.  Their location is where they say it is. While I appreciate everyone being "on guard" for this website, I don't want any jumping to conclusions.  We're going to be working on making some specific items in profiles mandatory before posting will be allowed.


Thanks again,



Post# 149586 , Reply# 6   8/30/2011 at 13:14 (4,714 days old) by Real1 ()        

it was just a hunch. I prefaced it by saying; "Hope I'm wrong". You guys do a great job here-not implying otherwise! And please DON'T discourage any teen boys from posting here, We have an awesome crowd of VERY enthusiastic teen-boy vacuum collectors from what I can tell!

If anything, blame the schools they attend for any obvious faux pas in syntax & grammar.


Post# 149593 , Reply# 7   8/30/2011 at 14:15 (4,714 days old) by revooh ()        

Fred !! You are always on top of things and that is why this has all turned around to be a great club for all of its members. Great Job !!!!!

Post# 149669 , Reply# 8   8/31/2011 at 00:03 (4,713 days old) by petek (Ontario)        

I'd like to see a picture of it. If it looks interesting I might be interested,, Royal Oaks pretty close by to me.

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