Thread Number: 14070
Hoover 62 got its first coat of paint today.
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Post# 148912   8/26/2011 at 14:21 (4,856 days old) by ElectroluxKirby ()        

Well, I got the first coat of paint on the Hoover 62. I think it was a pretty close match, maybe just a little darker than the original color.

I have to sand the bumps and runs, and give her another coat.

Post# 149135 , Reply# 1   8/27/2011 at 15:00 (4,855 days old) by kittingerhoover ()        

I don't want to bust your bubble, however I think you need alot more practice on a machine that is not worth as much. The key to painting is dry coats. 5 dry coats would be much better that one real thick runny coat that you won't recover from.

How did you clean the surface before you started painting? What grit did you use to sand the surface of all of it's scratches? Did you strip the finish off and get to bare metal?

Also taping off more is the key. The handle socket sould of been taped off, as well as the height adjuster should of been removed and the indicator taped off or removed.

When I get to borrow a camera again I will take a picture of a machine that I am working on. You can see the type of finish eventually you will be able to produce with some practice.


Post# 149156 , Reply# 2   8/27/2011 at 16:32 (4,855 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        
LUV the smell of fresh paint in the morning!!!

..."smells like VICTORY!"

Jim - nice color selection - and who knows, having been built in the late eighteen hundreds....maybe the old paint on that machine had faded just a bit and now yours matches closer than you might know.

Keep us posted on your progress, I'm anxious to see it completed. There's nothing more rewarding then doing your own restorations.

Thanks for sharing!


Post# 149167 , Reply# 3   8/27/2011 at 18:50 (4,855 days old) by goadie12 ()        

I have never really painted my machines I think that one day I would like to but i just dont have the guts to try but I think I might have to one of these days. Zach

Post# 149189 , Reply# 4   8/27/2011 at 20:40 (4,855 days old) by ElectroluxKirby ()        

I sanded the machine down to mostly bare metal, can't remember the grit it's out in the garage. After it was sanded I washed it down and let dry. I'm going to sand the bumps out and work on it a little my. I tried using two different kinds of painters masking tape to get cover the bumper and other parts but for some reason it wouldn't stick.

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