Thread Number: 14047
Royal Metal Upright Questions
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Post# 148695   8/25/2011 at 03:56 (4,893 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
Is it true that because the nozzle heads on almost any Royal metal upright (pre-1995, before drop-in motors) can be bolted between motors (given the right provisions between headlight styles), that sometimes I hear an older-style motor outfitted with a newer-style nozzle?

Flashback to when I was in elementary school (years 1988-1994). There were two Royal metal uprights: one had the standard-issue 14" wide nozzle (model 660Z) and the other an 18" wide-track nozzle (model 618Z or 680Z - likely 618Z due to the original blue bag on it that was later replaced with a gray zippered bag).

The 18" wide version sounded original, but the 660Z sounded rather '70s (think 3 amp motor sound, rather than the 6 amp sound). But during my 6th and final grade season (1993-94) the heads and bags were swapped: the 660Z now sounded stronger while the 618Z sounded weaker.

How many of you other Royal fanatics noticed a change in the motor's sound of one of these Royals, whether commercial or household, through the years, sounding either stronger or weaker?


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