Thread Number: 14040
Lux floor polisher
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Post# 148630   8/24/2011 at 18:04 (4,797 days old) by vintagekitchen ()        

while rummaging in the "graveyard" at my local vac shop today, what to my wandering eyes should appear, but a vintage Lux floor polisher attachment. Not interested in it myself, as im not a Lux type guy, but know its usually an in demand part. Melinda, (owner of the shop) said she has had it for years, since no one has ever seemed to want it, when she tried to include it with machines. Most lux owners/purchasers in this area are older ladies who want simple function, no gizmos. If anyone is interested let me know, Im sure Melinda would sell or trade it really reasonably. She currently Needs a Royal Powerhead, and would trade in a heartbeat...

Post# 148643 , Reply# 1   8/24/2011 at 19:50 (4,797 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




I'd love to have it if it's in really excellent condition and has the original box and accessories -- there would be two sets of brushes (an outer rim-brush and an inner star-brush), then a lambs-wool pad with a gray wool insert. Instruction flyer would be a big plus too! :)


Post# 149622 , Reply# 2   8/30/2011 at 18:38 (4,791 days old) by Floor-A-Matic (somewhere)        
Me too

I'm crazy for Electrolux! :P

Save that polisher for me! lol

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