Thread Number: 14029
Kirby Classic III full restoration done and sold! a vintage vac restoration business is born :)
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Post# 148540   8/24/2011 at 03:29 (4,766 days old) by bnsd60m9200 (Akron OH)        

bnsd60m9200's profile picture
here's a short youtube video to tithe you over until photos are posted. My Friend Jacob and I have a vintage vacuum restoration business and this is our first vacuum restored and already sold. attachments still need to be cleaned up, and after along with the vac, will be shipped to our first happy customer in Seattle.

We specialize in vintage Kirby restorations and have about 15-20 more vacs in our inventory that will be up for sale as we restore them. They are original as possible (bags/trim/cords/fans, etc) with what we were able to haul and can find from vac supply sites. Right now the classic III in this vid sold for $250. Attachments are a little extra ($50+). these vacs are "like new" where cosmetically and internally things are replaced and cleaned where needed.

we are W&J (Will and Jacob)Vintage Restorations and if you have questions about which models we have available for restoration and purchase, please contact us at wandjvintagerestorati​ons@gmail.c​om

Im super excited about our first restore job, photos will be posted later today. meanwhile enjoy the youtube clip!


CLICK HERE TO GO TO bnsd60m9200's LINK

Post# 148564 , Reply# 1   8/24/2011 at 09:44 (4,765 days old) by redgeminipa (Altoona, PA)        

Very nice. I'm getting back into it after a 10 +/- year hiatus. I specialize in Generations, but I'm keeping an eye out for some good older models that I'll be reselling. I have 2 G4's that I'll most likely be acquiring soon to recondition/restore and resell, as well as an Ultimate G Diamond I already have.

I traded a reconditioned G4 & G5 for this Diamond and a G6 Limited, but Mike wants to keep them for our collection.

My mom handed me her G5 in very good condition to do and sell - splitting the money, of course.

I'm still on the hunt for an original red belt lifter for my 512... not having much luck.

Post# 148815 , Reply# 2   8/25/2011 at 23:37 (4,764 days old) by adidas1124 ()        

Seeing that C-III's handle reminds me that I meant to ask what the difference was between the two C-III handle types... My aunt had one with that pointy handle while the others I saw/see have the rounded handle.

Was that done later in the model run or what's the significance of that pointy handle? Personally I am not a fan.

Great job on the resto... Looks like new!

Post# 148821 , Reply# 3   8/25/2011 at 23:51 (4,764 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
The pointy handle was first and I think they broke often so they went back to the rounded (classic omega style) handel.

Post# 148841 , Reply# 4   8/26/2011 at 02:53 (4,764 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
Meaning this example was built sometime between the fall 1977 and winter 1978 seasons (read: between October 1977 and March 1978). Best I can say is the serial # lies somewhere between the late C60000s to C999999.

Kirby went back to the D80/Classic/Omega-style grip after about serial #D000000.


Post# 148844 , Reply# 5   8/26/2011 at 03:19 (4,764 days old) by bnsd60m9200 (Akron OH)        

bnsd60m9200's profile picture
the serial is b498796 and for what its worth, the handles and vacs were not together when we found this stash. so obviously this handle wasnt originally with this vac. we were missing MANY forks/ bags and cords when we found the 30+ kirby's and are scrounging up what i can online and thru people here. we were lucky we have about 5 classic III handle forks. some are having to have grips replaced or placed (missing)


Post# 148887 , Reply# 6   8/26/2011 at 10:24 (4,763 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
Serial #B498796 - the build date would lie between January and June 1977, so the handle grip (#173376) on this unit would be original to this serial #. However, the outer bag wouldn't be (I acknowledge that you found this and other Kirbys dismembered upon your re-assembly of them) as it appears to resemble the 2nd version used between serial #C68xxxx through #E24xxxx.


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