Thread Number: 14015
Oh don't you just HATE it when............
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Post# 148376   8/22/2011 at 22:30 (4,925 days old) by singingrainbow (Texas)        

When you finally find a vacuum that you love and I mean LOVE and after you get it you find it has some minor problems that are fixable but bottom line is that you love it. But then of course something just does not add up, whatever it is you just get Sooooo mad because it is a great find and you know if your fears or doughts are true that wonderfull find is just TRASH because you will NEVER be able to find replacement parts and this of course has happend to all of us but I am hoping that someone on here can put my fears to rest and tell me that I am missing a plate or something and not a whole height adjuster assembly in this late 70's kenmore upright. You see the problem is that the rear wheels are loose and there is nothing holding them in position. I will try to explain further in the following posts. So here is a picture of the wheels in question and I have already tried to see if I could fit the plate shown siting on the bag from one of my other twin fan vacs but for some reason it won't fit. So am I missing a plate that holds the wheels in the down position so it can actually make contact with the carpet or is this vac suposed to have a height adjuster or am I totally screwed with this thing? If ANYONE who reads this has a fix for this problem, and or parts PLEASE tell me. I will gladly pay a reasonable price and shipping costs for any parts.

More pictures to come including the model plate.



Post# 148479 , Reply# 1   8/23/2011 at 18:15 (4,924 days old) by super-sweeper (KSSRC Refurbishment Center)        

super-sweeper's profile picture
it happened to me with a shop vac "might miny".i was so excited t the thrift shop i didn't test it fully,and when i got it home the motor was shot!

Post# 148504 , Reply# 2   8/23/2011 at 21:13 (4,924 days old) by kc_kirby (Kansas City, MO)        

Scott, here is a pic of my Kenmore Twin Fan. It looks like the tabs you are using to connect the axle to the base are different than mine. I have another twin fan that looks exactly like this pic. So you may just need the brackets like the pic shows. But its possible some models used the brackets like you have. I am by no means an expert on these old Kenmore's.

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