Thread Number: 14010
What vacuums do U regret getting rid of?
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Post# 148336   8/22/2011 at 17:43 (4,925 days old) by Floor-A-Matic (somewhere)        

One of my Electrolux LX's
Hoover O (MY ALL-TIME favorite)
Craftsman 8-gal shop vac
Eureka ESP

I miss all of them; wish I didn't have to move so often.

Post# 148339 , Reply# 1   8/22/2011 at 18:12 (4,925 days old) by 2011hoover700 (owosso michigan)        

2011hoover700's profile picture

A hoover powerdrive dial a matic I don't remember the model but I discovered that parting with it was a big mistake.

I also regret parting with a hoover convertible u4085 and a few others.

Post# 148350 , Reply# 2   8/22/2011 at 20:06 (4,925 days old) by dwhdarren97 ()        

My Dirt Devil Classic upright. One of the made in U.S.A early 1990's models. Inherited it from grandma, was my first vacuum, and foolishly sold it in one of our rumage sales at the age of 11 or so. My mom said I should and said I could get a better upright for the basement. Three years later, hmmm, d*****! It was a trick! Unsupportive parents really are hard to deal with.


Post# 148351 , Reply# 3   8/22/2011 at 20:13 (4,925 days old) by pnluxconvlvr (Georgia)        
My 1205 with 50th Anniversary PN2

pnluxconvlvr's profile picture
Makes me sick. But that's life.

Post# 148352 , Reply# 4   8/22/2011 at 20:17 (4,925 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

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Who is U?


Post# 148355 , Reply# 5   8/22/2011 at 20:22 (4,925 days old) by thevacuumman (Borger, TX)        

thevacuumman's profile picture
mine would have to be my Royal 880

Post# 148360 , Reply# 6   8/22/2011 at 20:36 (4,925 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        
There's Quite A Few Actually....

vacman117's profile picture
Mostly, my Kenmore Heavy Duty Plus Self Propelled. It took me years to track this down. Kyle ended up having one and gave it to me.
-Hoover 1030
-Hippo Commercial Shoulder Vac
-1990's Dirt Devil Stick Vac
-Dirt Devil Deluxe
-Eureka ESP Model 2011
-Tan Hoover Floor Washer
-Mint Green Kenmore PowerMate Canister

Post# 148364 , Reply# 7   8/22/2011 at 21:10 (4,925 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

You had a HOOVER model O? Do you have any pictures of yours? If so do share!

My all time biggest regret was selling my Hoover model 800 from circa 1934.

But I do regret selling some other stuff. Like my Kirby Ultimate G, or Rainbow E2, or VitaVac.

Post# 148366 , Reply# 8   8/22/2011 at 21:13 (4,925 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

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I sort of regret trading my two Eureka canisters to Brandon (@animebsd), because of the fact the power nozzle on one of those was also licensed to Rexair between 1974 and 1980. But I didn't have a single working Royal all-metal upright until then.

Now ... I wish to find me an original 1980 Rainbow D3A with its unaltered R-1024G power nozzle (with decal represented as five stripes above and company name below). But since I don't have a real picture of a 100% original D3A with power nozzle, then I'm using one of a dark brown D2 (picture by @dwhdarren97) with its unaltered R-1024F nozzle.


Post# 148368 , Reply# 9   8/22/2011 at 21:23 (4,925 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

My Kirby G5, it may have been heavy, and was outcleaned by my Sanitaire, but, I still miss it cos it was a nice colour...

Still have the other two here though... :P

Post# 148381 , Reply# 10   8/22/2011 at 22:58 (4,925 days old) by kirbykid63 (Wilmington Delaware)        
my filter queen's

I wish I kept my two mint condition filter queen special editions.I still prefer using my two tristars but they were sure beautiful vacuums that I wish I hung onto.

Post# 148390 , Reply# 11   8/23/2011 at 01:21 (4,925 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

There have been so many that I wouldn't know where to start: Many vacuum cleaners have had to leave the Home for Wayward Vacuum Cleaners over the years, and most generally under difficult or hardship circumstances.

I don't really want to think about it, lest I get sad and depressed about it again."

"Que séra, séra."

Post# 148410 , Reply# 12   8/23/2011 at 06:57 (4,924 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        

I think I will miss my Classic Omega when I sell it (or part it out). It has a non-original bag and the motor needs new bearings or something, so it's not like I'm committing a crime by giving away it's good parts to a better cause. I just need to get rid of a couple Kirbys because I need to keep my collection down to 5 vacs or so.

Post# 148414 , Reply# 13   8/23/2011 at 07:27 (4,924 days old) by kenkart ()        
My Eureka..

250 and 255, Morgan has the 250, and I cant remember who got the 255.

Post# 148415 , Reply# 14   8/23/2011 at 08:06 (4,924 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
My 81? Compact, and the Kirby Turbo I got for $20 at a yard sale, I do not remember the model.Paper bags, brush rotation light.

Post# 148447 , Reply# 15   8/23/2011 at 15:07 (4,924 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

I dont think a Sanitaire could outclean a Kirby...

And Davis, I think the vacuum you may be talking about os a Heretage.

Post# 148448 , Reply# 16   8/23/2011 at 15:08 (4,924 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Sorry, I meant to say David in the above post. My bad.

Post# 148454 , Reply# 17   8/23/2011 at 15:46 (4,924 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
Maybe. It was nice size, smaller head, cool hose and 2 boxes of toys with it!

Post# 148458 , Reply# 18   8/23/2011 at 16:21 (4,924 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
I think it had a sliver/ black bag. Could look in photos I have I guess!

Post# 148459 , Reply# 19   8/23/2011 at 16:24 (4,924 days old) by Floor-A-Matic (somewhere)        

Unfortunately, I don't have pics of the O; which was my grandma's aunt's vacuum.

U is You

Post# 148464 , Reply# 20   8/23/2011 at 16:33 (4,924 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

The two vacuums I miss the most are a Hoover 28 and a turquoise Electrolux G.  The Hoover was in virtually pristine condition without a scrath on it.  Even the beautiful striped bag had a crisp newness about it.  The Electrolux was also in excellent condition and was so blissfully quiet. 

Post# 148470 , Reply# 21   8/23/2011 at 17:02 (4,924 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
I found the pic with the Kirby, but it only shows the handle! Silver bag, red lettering, black handle, orange-red lettering, only says Kirby at the bottom.I think it was around 82? Could be totally full of crap on that too.I do remember it said turbo on it somewhere.I have the sander that came with it still.

Post# 148483 , Reply# 22   8/23/2011 at 18:36 (4,924 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
Hours it seems of old photos, wow, that will make you misty eyed. I think maybe it said Turbo on the top of the bag cover? And I remember a little like fan emblem next to it, like a turbo blade.

Post# 148487 , Reply# 23   8/23/2011 at 18:45 (4,924 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Look up "HeritageII", and there you go...

Post# 148488 , Reply# 24   8/23/2011 at 18:49 (4,924 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
Yes! It was!

Post# 148489 , Reply# 25   8/23/2011 at 18:49 (4,924 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

If it had said turbo and it was mid to early 80s, it would have been the Kirby Heritage Turbo. Would have originally had an obnoxious orange bag. Black handle grip, and the handle would have had a neat thinning pattern of black and silver strips eventually going to all silver.

A wide rectangular nozzle with black plastic square belt lifter.

Post# 148490 , Reply# 26   8/23/2011 at 18:53 (4,924 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
Maybe I am thinking of the Orange bagged one I gave to friends 2 years before?It had the wide nozzle. The handle on this one was just solid black with orange-red stripe around the border. That is really all I can see of it in the pic, and it says Kirby down at the bottom in the same color writing.

Post# 148491 , Reply# 27   8/23/2011 at 18:57 (4,924 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
It gets better! The boxed sander I have in the garage says Heritage 2 turbo sander. Maybe they used that one a while? 2 boxes of tools came with this machine in that yard sale for $20. The old orange bag was only machine from church rummage sale.I had to buy a hose for it even.

Post# 148497 , Reply# 28   8/23/2011 at 19:19 (4,924 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
Youtube heritage 2 Legend is a match to my pic. was that early/ mid 80s?

Post# 148498 , Reply# 29   8/23/2011 at 19:22 (4,924 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Ah turbo sander was a tool. There was a kirby model called the Heritage "turbo" but thats different entirely.

The heritage 2 Legend was made late mid 80s.

Post# 148499 , Reply# 30   8/23/2011 at 19:25 (4,924 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
I think that may have been the older one I got for $5, not running and gave away. Old fart memory here I fear. Thanks.

Post# 148519 , Reply# 31   8/23/2011 at 22:21 (4,924 days old) by adidas1124 ()        

I didn't get rid of these myself, my family did over time...

As a kid, I had:

Hoover Jr.
Kirby 561 - sick about this one, was MY first Kirby
Kirby DS80
Metal Royal handheld

If only I knew where these were now...

Currently I have a Classic Omega and a Classic III... Both have been in my family since new.

Also have a Dyson DC07.

Post# 148567 , Reply# 32   8/24/2011 at 10:21 (4,923 days old) by redgeminipa (Altoona, PA)        

Mine would be a Kirby Model 505... ugh... only because a family member was desperate for a vacuum...

Post# 148573 , Reply# 33   8/24/2011 at 11:29 (4,923 days old) by kirbyeureka95 ()        
my parents...

THREW AWAY my collection of about 8 vacs, all of which i have been unable to replace, when i was 11 and we moved. The one i regret the most was my grandmas heritage 2 that was complete with everything offered. It was practically new because it was too heavy for her! ughhhhh. to this day i cant figure out if my prents are supportive or not- sometimes they buy vacs as random ily gifts, and then 2 days later they complain about all the space they take up (and all of them are either in my room, a storage room, or a guest room closet)

Post# 148620 , Reply# 34   8/24/2011 at 17:19 (4,923 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

I hear 'ya there, Michael.

Although my parents have never thrown away my vacuums, I dont think theyre real supportive.

Post# 148625 , Reply# 35   8/24/2011 at 17:36 (4,923 days old) by Floor-A-Matic (somewhere)        

Neither were my parents have been supportive (all the way) but I don't know about the kids being supportive?

Post# 148655 , Reply# 36   8/24/2011 at 20:27 (4,923 days old) by Real1 ()        

Upright Hoover vacuum from the early 70's. Easily replaced if I wanted that model again....but not my original. It was my first vacuum and my first apt. I practically wore the carpet out running it and was intoxicated by its noise.;-) It was traded in when we bought the Diamond Jubilee about '84. I'm sure the LUX salesperson took it to the dump.:-(


Post# 149139 , Reply# 37   8/27/2011 at 15:22 (4,920 days old) by tazcatsdad (Buffalo, NY)        
I can think of a few, actually ...

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1. My Mom's Kirby 511 and Hoover Convertible U4005

2. My Grandma's Eureka Easy Glide 210A

3. My Eureka Emperor 1212A (and its Panasonic counterpart) -- got rid of both of 'em due to lack of parts

4. My Hoover Convertible 69

5. A General Electric Upright that I had (I think it was a U7 but not sure)

6. My Premier U8 and my Singer Golden PowerMASTER (both of which I got rid of when I was much, much younger and not yet a collector!)


I could go on ... but I'm gonna stop otherwise I'm gonna run out of tissues!  Cry

Post# 149187 , Reply# 38   8/27/2011 at 20:35 (4,920 days old) by ElectroluxKirby ()        

That's easy, my Kenmore canister with power nozzle from the early 80's, oh and the Hoover Convertible that I loaned to a friend, and never got back.

Post# 149195 , Reply# 39   8/27/2011 at 21:46 (4,920 days old) by kittingerhoover ()        
OH how I miss

My Hoover Sovereign :(

Post# 149228 , Reply# 40   8/28/2011 at 07:31 (4,919 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
My parents' 1974 golden Eureka Box-Top-Bag Cordaway Rugulator Upright Model 2083 with Vibra Groomer I and Edge Kleeners.....could kick myself for selling that to a friend for $ stupid. :-(

Post# 149231 , Reply# 41   8/28/2011 at 08:02 (4,919 days old) by vacman1961 (North Babylon, New York)        
Stradavarius Vacuum

The machine that I miss out of my collection was a tank type vacuum, made in Japan, it was distributed here on Long Island I think in Great Neck, it was called a Stradavarius or something like that. It was blue and white plastic, but I somehow remember seeing one in green and white. It did not use bags, it had a dirt cartridge on top, the hose had an off/on switch on it and I think they were selling them in the 70's for about $40 or $50.00? Anyone ever see one or have one?

Post# 149610 , Reply# 42   8/30/2011 at 17:16 (4,917 days old) by djtaylor (Salt Lake City, Utah)        

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I gave up several when I moved into my currant, much smaller, apartment. There were,
Tri Star DXL with a really good replacement pn.
Filter Queen X-31.
Kirby D80 with mini emtor and HII bag.
Kirby Classic III with mini emtor and Heritage bag.
Kirby D50 trimmed in Tradition Blue with a mini emtor and Tradition bag.
Should have kept them all... I could have found room. Maybe if I 'knocked through' to the neighbor's second bedroom. I'm sure they would not have minded.

Post# 149613 , Reply# 43   8/30/2011 at 17:24 (4,917 days old) by gsheen (Cape Town South Africa)        

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My Electrolux/Eureka ultra smart vac ( don't know what I did with it)Probibly lent or gave it to some one
My adavnce carpetwin 14 &16

Does any one have an advance in thier collection

Post# 151455 , Reply# 44   9/14/2011 at 08:35 (4,902 days old) by clothbag (West Springfield, Ma.)        

The one that I regret gitting rid of was my Premier commercial upright. It was my first vacuum, bought brand new from J C Penney and I traded it in to buy my Kirby 561.

Post# 152608 , Reply# 45   9/23/2011 at 02:44 (4,894 days old) by hooverboy (Germany)        

Sehr gute story!

Post# 152609 , Reply# 46   9/23/2011 at 02:47 (4,894 days old) by hooverboy (Germany)        

Sehr gute story!

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