Thread Number: 13996
General Electric Swivel Top on Ebay
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Post# 148183   8/21/2011 at 20:24 (4,810 days old) by massagemiracle ()        

There is a Green General Electric Swivel Top Canister Vacuum listed on Ebay. I came across it by total mistake. They have it listed as GE swivel top vacuum Cleaner. Its a nice looking vacuum

Post# 148265 , Reply# 1   8/22/2011 at 08:16 (4,810 days old) by massagemiracle ()        

270801681269 Item listing number for those interested.

Post# 148278 , Reply# 2   8/22/2011 at 11:46 (4,809 days old) by chromacolor ()        

That's a nice one!
I've got a swivel top still in the box. Looks like they used it a few times and packed it away. GE's are not my favorite vacuum, and I forgot about it as well,as I've had it packed away for a few years. I'll have to watch and see what this one goes for, and see if it's worth listing mine.

Post# 148279 , Reply# 3   8/22/2011 at 11:47 (4,809 days old) by chromacolor ()        

and a pix of the vac....

Post# 148303 , Reply# 4   8/22/2011 at 14:53 (4,809 days old) by massagemiracle ()        

Now your GE is a very nice looking vacuum! Looks like its in great shape!

Post# 148311 , Reply# 5   8/22/2011 at 15:11 (4,809 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
That, Jamie, is a bonfide Classic Beauty from the same era as the late 1950s version 3 Roll-Easy!

I just wanna mention, we really are seeing some spectacular condition Vintage Vacuums these recent days here in Vacuumland; a nice lead-up to the coming Convention.
I, for one, appreciate participation in the Vintage Forum over Contemporary plastic and encourage all semi-absent 'rarely-posters' to spend more time here.
Thank you all for posting your pictures...


Post# 148324 , Reply# 6   8/22/2011 at 16:41 (4,809 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        


Please bring that over to Gregs next time we are together!! I gotta see that beauty!

Post# 148359 , Reply# 7   8/22/2011 at 20:29 (4,809 days old) by chromacolor ()        

will do! This was the one I told you about, where it looked like the lady used it once. It had some "bunting" type material in the original bag. I don't know what her deal was, but it looks like it was used that one time, and put back in the box.

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