Thread Number: 13970
Eureka Upright Model 1945B
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Post# 147882   8/19/2011 at 18:22 (4,834 days old) by indyhoover ()        

One for all you Eureka fans (I think I can hear a couple certain Hoover fans groaning in the back ground - you know who you are)....This is the Model 1945 B, almost brand new! A couple small nicks, but basically looks unused.

Post# 147884 , Reply# 1   8/19/2011 at 18:24 (4,834 days old) by indyhoover ()        
Eureka 1945B

I couldn't get over how nice it was. I think it came from a rather vacuum-unsavvy home, since the belt was on backwards, and the outback was on backwards (no small feat). But with a quick wipe down, she looks fab.

Post# 147885 , Reply# 2   8/19/2011 at 18:24 (4,834 days old) by lux1521 ()        

I've got one of those, but yours is in much better shape than mine. Like most Eureka models like this, it's a real beast. The VGII brush roll has a great sound too.

Post# 147886 , Reply# 3   8/19/2011 at 18:25 (4,834 days old) by goadie12 ()        

Me personally I am not a die hard eureka or Hoover fan but I must say that is a real beauty. Zach

Post# 147889 , Reply# 4   8/19/2011 at 18:28 (4,834 days old) by indyhoover ()        
Eureka 1945B

Unbelievable suction, the 5.5 amp motor was a good one!

Post# 147891 , Reply# 5   8/19/2011 at 18:30 (4,834 days old) by indyhoover ()        
Eureka 1945B

Looks cherry underneath -

Post# 147892 , Reply# 6   8/19/2011 at 18:31 (4,834 days old) by indyhoover ()        
Eureka 1945B

This old gal is definitely a workhorse!

Post# 147912 , Reply# 7   8/19/2011 at 20:15 (4,834 days old) by indyhoover ()        
Eureka 1945B

In that second post, I was trying to say that the "outer bag" was on backwards, not sure how I got "outback". A lesson in there about martinis too early in the evening, I think.

Post# 147916 , Reply# 8   8/19/2011 at 20:25 (4,834 days old) by xraytech ()        

Very pretty Eureka there. It just seems so odd to see it in your sitting room as it seems like you have a Hoover household

Post# 147999 , Reply# 9   8/20/2011 at 09:27 (4,834 days old) by indyhoover ()        
Eurekas in a Hoover Household

I just have to be careful not to put them in the same room together - they fight!

Post# 460709 , Reply# 10   2/26/2023 at 12:48 (626 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I just picked one of these up the other day in really good shape, I bet it'll look like brand new once I clean this thing up:) Love these vintage Eureka uprights!

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Post# 460712 , Reply# 11   2/26/2023 at 16:29 (625 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
Beautiful Eureka! Simple, powerful and effective. Yet not too heavy to bring up a flight of stairs to a second level or down to the rec room in the basement.

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