Thread Number: 13966
Hoover Dimension 1000
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Post# 147829   8/19/2011 at 13:13 (4,812 days old) by SRSwirl ()        

Hello everyone. I was hoping I could tap into your parts expertise. My sister has a Hoover Dimension 1000 model S-3283-040 which is in need of some refurbishing. Many years ago I used to have one as well. If you've had one, you know the Dimension is an excellent cleaner. I have been able to get her many parts for it so far. The only one I am really struggling with is the agitator brushes...part 48445017. All the places which show they have them on google are really not available once you go into their site. Even Hesco doesn't have them...and Hesco is always my place of last resort for all kinds of vintage vacuum parts. I was hoping that someone could tell me if they knew of any dealers in these types of vintage vacuum parts that might have the brushes...or if they knew of anyone with a "stash" that I might be able to purchase from. Any insight you might have would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!


Post# 147864 , Reply# 1   8/19/2011 at 17:42 (4,812 days old) by whirlsonicmore (South US)        

That is a tough one. Those brushes were pretty fast movers for replacement. I'll look through my source, there may be some put away. Who knows. Won't know for sure until Tuesday though.
Hope somebody here can help you.

Post# 147943 , Reply# 2   8/19/2011 at 22:08 (4,812 days old) by tazcatsdad (Buffalo, NY)        
There IS a source, but ...

tazcatsdad's profile picture

... they aren't going to be cheap from it!  The source is the UK-based website "eSpares", and a pack of 4 genuine Hoover replacement bristle strips sells for £17.99 plus postage and packing -- or approximately $44.


The nice thing is that eSpares takes PayPal so you don't have to worry about using a credit card on a foreign website: also, they do ship to the USA!  In fact, I use them myself for all the parts I need for my British vacuums as well as hard-to-find parts that I can't get over here (such as these).  I've included a link to the item from their website.  Hope that this helps you!


--Bill W.


Post# 147988 , Reply# 3   8/20/2011 at 08:31 (4,812 days old) by lovecanisters ()        

Check EBay constantly, I picked up a set in April of this year, description was Hoover Brush Strips, no marking as too what model they were for, I knew by the picture and color {green}, they were for the quadraflex agitator or at least matched the strips in my Dimension powermatic...It was a "buy it now" for $10.00, free shipping too....good luck.

Post# 148416 , Reply# 4   8/23/2011 at 08:30 (4,809 days old) by SRSwirl ()        
Thank You All!

Thanks guys! I really appreciate the responses.

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