Thread Number: 13948
Early birthday gift
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Post# 147627   8/18/2011 at 06:16 (4,726 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

Tomorrow is my 15th birthday, and here is what I received as an early birthday gift yesterday. A lux model 86. I got this for something to do from my grandma. A full restore will be in progress asap!

Post# 147628 , Reply# 1   8/18/2011 at 06:19 (4,726 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        
better picture...

I will upload a better picture tonight as this was taken from my blackberry.

Post# 147660 , Reply# 2   8/18/2011 at 10:42 (4,726 days old) by rickenbacker ()        

That's really cool! and in such great colours too! I turn 15 next month, hope I get something as good as that! lol. Did it come with any other attachments or just the one?

Charlie :)

Post# 147671 , Reply# 3   8/18/2011 at 12:17 (4,726 days old) by goadie12 ()        

Oh very nice do u have any of the attachments? Zach

Post# 147686 , Reply# 4   8/18/2011 at 15:15 (4,726 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

It came with the hose, and I already had an electrolux dusting brush and crevice tool. I have a telescopic wand here too. It runs great though!

Post# 147721 , Reply# 5   8/18/2011 at 19:49 (4,726 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        
Better Pictures :)

Side... Its pretty beaten up, but a restore should do ;)

Post# 147722 , Reply# 6   8/18/2011 at 19:51 (4,726 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        


Post# 147724 , Reply# 7   8/18/2011 at 19:53 (4,726 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

And the original filter

Post# 147771 , Reply# 8   8/18/2011 at 23:52 (4,726 days old) by Real1 ()        

project. How cool is that; two boys 14,15 on a vintage vacuum! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Daniel!!


Post# 147772 , Reply# 9   8/18/2011 at 23:54 (4,726 days old) by goadie12 ()        

You know what in all my 16 years I have never received a vacuum cleaner for my birthday or Christmas I just find it strange that my parents wouldn't I have asked but never did. I just find it strange. Zach

Post# 147777 , Reply# 10   8/19/2011 at 00:31 (4,726 days old) by Real1 ()        

dunno Zach....sometimes the people around you don't take the time to really find out which particular hobby item you might REALLY want etc. Doesn't make them 'bad' people necessarily. However, the friends with the same hobby addiction are the most likely to give you a 'present' someday.;-) And your profile says you DO have 60+ vacuums!


Post# 147806 , Reply# 11   8/19/2011 at 09:45 (4,725 days old) by vacuumfreak (Ontario, Canada)        

Thanks kevin!

Post# 147812 , Reply# 12   8/19/2011 at 11:08 (4,725 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
Hey Zach:

Dont feel bad. I've been collecting for almost 40 years and never been given one for a birthday or Christmas.


Post# 147958 , Reply# 13   8/19/2011 at 22:47 (4,725 days old) by Real1 ()        
I..... I said, most people around you may have absolutely no idea what kind of vacuum you might crave. It's analogous to me getting an antique ceramic doll for someone's birthday; I have no idea about them except they have value and I wouldn't be the least interested in researching it.;-)


Post# 147967 , Reply# 14   8/20/2011 at 00:21 (4,725 days old) by goadie12 ()        

Oh no don't get me wrong I didn't want anyone to feel bad for me I just thought it was interesting I am very happy with my collection and that is thanks to many different people and their generosity ( Doug ) I was just wondering if anyone had experienced something similar. Zach :)

Post# 148000 , Reply# 15   8/20/2011 at 09:52 (4,724 days old) by Real1 ()        

if someone did give me a canister LUX for my BD, I would probably pass out.;-) That would show great metal on their part; that they researched and actually found something I liked. In the realm of possibilities, it *could* happen, but probably not. OTOH, if someone called me and said 'Hey, I just saw an Electrolux at a garage sale and you should check it out'.....that would almost be the same thing!


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