Thread Number: 13926
Lux Collection to Date
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Post# 147391   8/16/2011 at 18:11 (4,901 days old) by mercuryman ()        

Hey All,

I thought I'd share a photo I took earlier of my Lux collection. I only began collecting in September of last year. I did have a Diamond Jubilee with its matching power nozzle, but I gave it to my mother who fell in love with the power nozzle.

The first machine I acquired was the beige Model L. Then the blue L, the Super J, the turquoise G, and today, the white L.

In the background you see a Model 30 which needs work (therefore I'm not showcasing it)...I may refurbish it and sell it. (That machine has had a rough life judging by its innards, while the exterior is in rather decent condition).


Post# 147396 , Reply# 1   8/16/2011 at 20:07 (4,901 days old) by massagemiracle ()        

Wow, nice group of gorgeous vacuums!

Post# 147400 , Reply# 2   8/16/2011 at 20:41 (4,901 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
There's something About your cute as blazes puppy I can't quite put my finger on...
That's an enormous tail to be hanging so relaxed.
Fur looks velvet-y.
What breed?


Post# 147402 , Reply# 3   8/16/2011 at 21:00 (4,901 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture

Post# 147403 , Reply# 4   8/16/2011 at 21:05 (4,901 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture

That dog is totally stuffed.


Brian - fabulous collection!!!



Post# 147404 , Reply# 5   8/16/2011 at 21:06 (4,901 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture

Need a 1205 in there!

Post# 147407 , Reply# 6   8/16/2011 at 21:16 (4,901 days old) by Real1 ()        

remember the G from your pics was near mint! Agreed, you need a 1205 in there.;-) I've really warmed up to my two-their suction is phenomenal! I now think the 1205 is a very cool transitional piece to have-especially if you have older LUX's.


Post# 147417 , Reply# 7   8/16/2011 at 21:59 (4,901 days old) by goadie12 ()        

very nice collection I have never had a american electrolux I only really collect the canadian simply because I have never found one but very nice collection here are my luxs.Zach

Post# 147418 , Reply# 8   8/16/2011 at 22:01 (4,901 days old) by goadie12 ()        

and another pic

Post# 147423 , Reply# 9   8/16/2011 at 22:06 (4,901 days old) by mercuryman ()        

Agreed, a 1205 would "round out" the collection (so would a bronze G)...although I haven't yet found just "the right" one(s). I have two saran hoses that would match the 1205 perfectly, but they need to be "re-sealed" so as to be airtight once again.

The white L is the newest addition to the collection. (In the background you can see a Model XXX that I also found recently, but it needs some work).

As for the "puppy" in the picture--he was once given to me by my mother a few years back, who felt badly about the fact that I'm not allowed to have any pets here in this apartment. Since Yellow Labs are my favorite dogs, this was the closest thing she could find!

Here's another "beauty shot" of the Model Ls (which are my favorite Luxes...)

Post# 147427 , Reply# 10   8/16/2011 at 22:07 (4,901 days old) by mercuryman ()        
And One More Shot of:

The 1965 Electrolux Line-Up:

Post# 147464 , Reply# 11   8/16/2011 at 23:24 (4,901 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
Need a GOLD floor polisher and full set of attachments?

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

I have one...right out of a convent.  Don't ask.  Dave,  I almost died when you asked about that dog! WE've met,  you've been to my home,  we're friends.  That's WHY I can laugh like this. Sorry... made my day here amidst the bedlam at the palace.  "Walkies"?????

Post# 147468 , Reply# 12   8/17/2011 at 00:01 (4,901 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
Well, I suspected it was a stuffed fake but did not want to risk offense in case it was a cherished taxidermy-ed loved one...or in fact a remarkably photogenic living animal in a brilliant pose. The limp tail was my clue. You do know you can have your pets freeze- dried with a recorded sound byte chip installed, right? (that's weird)

Judicious phrasing seemed the way to go...

I myself, being an inveterate & devoted cat care-er almost 37 years standing have a small collection of preserved taxianimals, including a Snowy Owl, a Chickadee, a Wren, a Ferret, a squirrel and a mouse, a couple of deer head mounts and yes...a snowy white cat named Puff the Petrified Pussy.

Brian, you have a cool Mom. :-)


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