Thread Number: 13915
Info on old Regina Electrik Broom
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Post# 147271   8/15/2011 at 20:40 (4,862 days old) by meba2233 (Webster Groves, MO)        

Hello everyone...

I would like some information this older Regina Electrik Broom. I realize it is filthy. The dirt cup is so full I could hardly get it out but the plate says a model 735. Looks like the bag or the nozzle is on backwards.

Any info on age or rarity would be appreciate.

Thanks in advance.


Post# 147272 , Reply# 1   8/15/2011 at 20:41 (4,862 days old) by meba2233 (Webster Groves, MO)        

Here is the filthy nozzle.

Post# 147273 , Reply# 2   8/15/2011 at 20:42 (4,862 days old) by meba2233 (Webster Groves, MO)        
Cloth bag...

Here is the cloth bag.

Thanks again.


Post# 147306 , Reply# 3   8/15/2011 at 23:24 (4,862 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
the nozzle is on backwards, I would think this one is late 60's? what is the seriel number? and would this be for sale? would love to ad it to my brooms.

Post# 147309 , Reply# 4   8/15/2011 at 23:37 (4,862 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
My grandmother had one.

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

It was green, loud, but strong.  After a while, the cup leaked and the nozzle wouldn't stay on.  hmmmmmmmmmmm

Post# 147430 , Reply# 5   8/16/2011 at 22:09 (4,861 days old) by electrikbroomgu (Rome, NY)        
Model 735

electrikbroomgu's profile picture
The model 735 was fairly common years ago and I have seen many of them as the years have gone by. I currently have about 8-9 of them in my collection. The interesting thing is that all of mine have the upper cord strap instead of the upper and lower hooks as yours does. I would say the dates of these machines is around 1963-64 or so maybe a tad longer. Yours looks like it may be slightly newer than all of mine due to the cord hook system which has the quick release spring cord release that was used on 65 and up machines which suggests yours is a very late run model 735. All of my examples save one have factory black plastic fans and this was the one and only model in the 60's I have seen with this setup. Check to see what yours has as I am very curious. In proper tune these should be a very smooth quiet running broom with strong suction. If it is loud then chances are the fan is out of balance. Dirt, string and debris collect on the back of the fan over time and throw it out of balance. The other things that make these loud is the brass upper sleeve bearing which wears and gets sludged up. This should be cleaned and oiled or replaced all together. The fan end bearing is a normal ball bearing that is sandwiched between two thin pieces of metal that are riveted together to form the seal between the motor and fan. What has happened with your broom is that somebody has taken the fan housing off and installed it on backwards. You will need to take the two screws out and reverse it. I would highly recommend removing the fan and cleaning it and if your really feeling bold removing the bag and washing it out good and clean. Just remove the top plastic bag retainer cover which screws off counter clockwise, remove the white lower plastic cover strip at the bottom of the bag which will reveal a steel band with a screw at the back. The bag will pull right off up and over the handle and cord just be careful when lifting the bag off the lower steel section that you don't rip it. Cleaning the bag gives these a huge suction increase and they smell much nicer. Hopefully yours is in good working condition.

Cheers, Joel

Post# 147460 , Reply# 6   8/16/2011 at 23:10 (4,861 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
I was hoping you would come on here with some info.

Post# 147462 , Reply# 7   8/16/2011 at 23:15 (4,861 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

you could do a workshop at one of the conventions....and I'm the HOOVER guy!

Post# 147549 , Reply# 8   8/17/2011 at 16:44 (4,860 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        

I'm CRAZY 4 ElectrikBrooms! Esp. of that era & Powerteam Series (I had one from 1983 that my parents bought new)

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