Thread Number: 13887
Royal "Preferred Collection" Ensemble
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Post# 147028   8/14/2011 at 06:28 (4,809 days old) by kirbyclassiciii (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
Do any of you Royal fanatics know anything about the very first models in the Preferred Collection ensemble, from 1988?

They have mauve bags and burgundy trim (handle grip, cord, bumper and Adjust-O-Rite).

The line initially consisted of the model 5000 Prince hand vacuum and four uprights models 6000, 7000, 8000 and 9000.

Most utilitarian of the four uprights was the 6000, with a Microtex bag, 5-amp motor and no headlight.

Model 7000 was a step-up with its cast headlight and 5.4-amp motor.

Model 8000 is the one with the square headlight and the Scafitex bag and 6-amp motor.

And last up is the model 9000; also with a square headlight and 6-amp motor, but it also has the deodorizing tab chamber underneath the headlight (I'm not sure if the 8000 had the deodorant chamber under the light) and the Au-Toe-Matic toe-touch height adjustment.

Again, if anyone has any old brochures of this early line of Preferred Collection uprights from c. 1988, please let me know.

Thank you,


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