Thread Number: 13874
Hazel Episode-Davidson Vacuum Cleaner |
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Post# 146925   8/13/2011 at 02:03 (4,905 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)   |   | |
OK, saw the episode of Hazel just now thats all about a vacuum cleaner called a "Davidson" (ficticous.) This episode Looks to be from around 1964-65 ish, it is called "Hazel and the Stock Holder's Meeting".
The machine itself is a made up Hollywood prop, looks like it was made from a retangle metal tool box. Or a metal toy pedal car of the time. It is painted green,has several gadgets bolted on the sides and top, and has 3 large ball bearing type wheels attached on the bottom. There is a large handle of some sort bolted to the top of this box. The hose and attachments are off of an ELectrolux,,but there is a scene where the attachments are shown in a cardboard carrying/display case.(non Electrolux) The floor tool and hose are definatly Electolux, Model XXX. They have the hose attached to the top of this box. It is definaly an Electrolux hose end going into the machine (box). Dont know for sure if there is an actual motor in the box or if the motor sound of the vacuum being used is dubbed in. There is a cord reel tho(inside the box evidently),,several scenes have Hazel pulling the cord out like an Electrolux. Makes you wonder if there is an Electrolux inside this box. It seems Hazel has bought some stock in this Vacuum Cleaner Company called "Davidson". Mr Baxter also owns stock in it. Hazel just happens to need a new vacuum,,and buys one, all to Mr. Baxter's displeasure,,it costs 187.50! The next scene the salesman is showing Hazel and family all the features of the new "Davidson",,,and almost immediatly its making a strange noise. (definatly dubbed in sounds, you can tell) Then there is one problem after another with the Davidson,,it spews dust, it keeps making strange noises,ect,,,even after a repairman has been to the house several times. Mr Baxter is ready to wring Hazel's neck by this time. Well, come to find out, there is a stock holders meeting that very day, and Hazel shows up with her Davidson in hand. She shows the stockholders all the problems with the machine,,and saves the day by saving Mr. Davidson's job, after he gives a speech about how the quality of the machine has declined since new members of the board had taken over. The last scene, Mr. Davidson himself brings a new cleaner to the Baxter residence, and Hazel fires it up and goes on her merry way vaccuming up a storm. The Baxter family is happy and all is right with the world. |
Post# 146939 , Reply# 1   8/13/2011 at 10:16 (4,905 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)   |   | |
That's the episode I've been wanting to see again ever since the last Hazel thread here months ago! I was GLUED to the TV when it aired originally. Is it on youtube? |
Post# 146949 , Reply# 2   8/13/2011 at 13:00 (4,905 days old) by kenmore81 (Warwick, RI)   |   | |
I love watching Hazel on YT thats the only place its on as far as I know. It used to be on during the day when I was younger. In this episode Hazel is using what looks to be an Elux model E with XXX floor tool @ 17:40. I didn't find the episode in question.(yet) CLICK HERE TO GO TO kenmore81's LINK |
Post# 146987 , Reply# 4   8/13/2011 at 23:03 (4,904 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)   |   | |
Thank you Brian in Kansas for this trip back through Memory Lane. I remember this Hazel episode so vividly that even now over 40 years later I can still see the contraption smoking near the entry door of the house Hazel worked in. What a monster vacuum that was!!!!! It's amazing how certain things burn into your brain permanently when you are a child. I really think I only saw the episode once and that's all it took for it to reserve a major spot in my memory bank (we vac fans are very "special", don't you think?) :-)
Post# 147004 , Reply# 5   8/14/2011 at 00:46 (4,904 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)   |   | |
You are welcome! Yes, it was on Antenna TV at 1AM and another episode at 1:30 AM Central Time. If you get this channel from your cable or satellite provider, stay tuned to Hazel,,,im sure they will be running this episode again. Antenna TV is excellent about showing the re-runs in broadcast order,,the way they were originally shown. Hazel didnt really run THAT long,,maybe from 1962-65 or 66 i believe, so there arent THAT many episodes,,,not hunderds and hundereds anyway.
I think this is one of the few sitcom episodes ive ever seen that specifically revolves around a vacuum cleaner directly. There are a couple of Lucy episodes where she tries to sell a vacuum cleaner door to door. I Love Lucy she is trying to sell a Westinghouse,,and on the Lucy Show she is trying to schlepp a green Hoover Portable. There is an Andy Griffith Show episode where Barney Fife tries selling "Suction King"( I think its a Hoover Convertible) vacuums door to door,,but the episode dosent revolve around that. |
Post# 147006 , Reply# 6   8/14/2011 at 01:27 (4,904 days old) by hygiene903 (Galion, OH)   |   | |
Enjoyed the Hazel episode, thanks for posting the link! And yes, that did look like a Lux E, with a XXX rug nozzle. Enjoyed the cars too, 62 Ford Falcon and Ford Country Squire Wagon. Brings back memories, I watched Hazel when I was a kid, would have been about 6 years old when this episode was originally broadcast.
Jeff |
Post# 147051 , Reply# 7   8/14/2011 at 11:59 (4,904 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)   |   | |
Sad side note,,according to the IMDB (International Media Data Base),,Bobby Buntrock, the little boy who played "Harold Baxter" on the TV show Hazel in the 1960s, was killed in a car accident at the age of 21, in 1974.
Strangly,the accident was on a bridge at the exact place where his mother was killed in a car accident, just one yr earlier. |