Thread Number: 13858
Hit The Jackpot--Or, "Vac-pot" Again!
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Post# 146765   8/12/2011 at 00:50 (4,785 days old) by hygiene903 (Galion, OH)        

hygiene903's profile picture
Well, my new job (see off-topic forum) isn't the only good news I have. A good friend of mine and collector who wishes to remain anonymous, was downsizing his collection recently, and sent me home with a truckload of beautiful machines for my collection on my birthday. They were mostly Hoovers, but also some Electro-Hygienes, Royals, and a few others.
I won't go into detail with the whole list, but some of the real gems were: Health-Mor Sanitation System, Good Housekeeper, seven coffee can Hoovers including an 825 which I always wanted, 450, and an all original (I think) 700; 64 Citation, 634, several Convertibles including a 32, 67, 714 and 719; several Royals, including an early 801 with an unusual sideways bag that had the name on the narrow side of the bag, and several Electro-Hygienes, including a straight suction 230, an early 285, and the very rare 980 in immaculate condition.
Haven't taken pics yet, don't know when I'll get around to it, but when I do I'll be sure to post them. Thank you my friend, for your generousity and this most wonderful birthday gift!

Post# 146793 , Reply# 1   8/12/2011 at 08:47 (4,785 days old) by KC_Kirby (Kansas City, MO)        

Wow! You did the the VacPot! That's some haul, congrats on getting some rare machines you've been looking for. Looking forward to seeing the pics.

Post# 146815 , Reply# 2   8/12/2011 at 11:43 (4,784 days old) by goadie12 ()        

Wow that sounds like a trip of a life time it sounds like u got some real beauties there. I know the feeling when u come home and they are all sprawled out in your living room or what have u, and u are paralyzed in aww and then u have to make the hard decision on which one you use first. Sounds like u have your work cut out for you organizing all your new machines but it will be fun and exciting so once again congrats. Zach

Post# 146855 , Reply# 3   8/12/2011 at 14:29 (4,784 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture

Congratulations, Jeff on your good fortune and your good friend. I hope things stay wonderful. You deserve some fun and fortune...JL

Post# 146889 , Reply# 4   8/12/2011 at 20:05 (4,784 days old) by kirbyclassiciii (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
The 801 (s/n 801-37422) with the Royal crown/name on the side of the bag is from the late 1950s to 1965.

The newest Electro-Hygiene 285 he has is dated April 1979 (s/n D79-C-65328). I'd like to see what a 285 looks like.


Post# 146919 , Reply# 5   8/12/2011 at 23:50 (4,784 days old) by hygiene903 (Galion, OH)        

hygiene903's profile picture
The 285 is quite similar to the 801 Royal.

Post# 146920 , Reply# 6   8/12/2011 at 23:57 (4,784 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
Very nice

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

please post pics soon.  Congrats  on  nice things from a nice friend!

Post# 146928 , Reply# 7   8/13/2011 at 04:57 (4,784 days old) by kirbyclassiciii (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
Just like Royal's mainstream offerings, its premium brand that is Electro-Hygiene also had vacuums which ranged from economy to best. In order of quality: 777, 285, 903 and 980.

777 is related to 602
285 is related to 801
890 and 903 are both related to 880 (for a brief time, 880 was assigned to both Royal and E-H; some of the E-H 880s even had the removable head that pre-dated the 1971-introduced 888/980)
980 is related to 888

Might I believe the 230 was the 777's predecessor, if the 230 had a revolving brush?

E-H briefly had a 603 of its own, but of course it is quite rare.


Post# 147017 , Reply# 8   8/14/2011 at 02:33 (4,783 days old) by hygiene903 (Galion, OH)        

hygiene903's profile picture
The 230 did not have a revolving brush, but was the last model of the straight suction Electro-Hygienes. And up until the introduction of the 285, there was no Electro-hygiene with a revolving brush, even though Royals were built with a revolving brush since before WWII. The reason EH held out so long on the revolving brush was that they didn't know what to do with the crystal chamber, which was what made the Electro-Hygiene an Electro-hygiene and set it apart from the Royal. They finally came up with a chamber that snapped on the nozzle in place of the adjust-o-rite, and the 285 was born!

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