Thread Number: 13840
Kirby's got the day off.
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Post# 146605   8/11/2011 at 10:06 (4,843 days old) by ElectroluxKirby ()        

Well, the Kirby's and the Hoover got today off. I used the Royal Power Tank with a working power nozzle today. It's one noisy vacuum, but it's got some good suction. I had to empty the bag after vacuuming the upstairs, vacuumed the downstairs, and had to empty it again. It was about half full after I did the downstairs.

Post# 146667 , Reply# 1   8/11/2011 at 18:04 (4,842 days old) by goadie12 ()        

Well I don't know about anyone else but I would love to see a picture of that royal I have never really had one but I would love to see yours I may be wrong but didn't royal use a filter queen power nozzle just curious. Zach

Post# 146731 , Reply# 2   8/11/2011 at 20:56 (4,842 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
They first used the Airway Rugmaster power nozzel then for a short while used what is sometimes called the Manta Ray nozzel, then went to Filter Queen, and ended with the hayden/Kenmore style with geared belt system.

Post# 146756 , Reply# 3   8/11/2011 at 23:37 (4,842 days old) by ElectroluxKirby ()        
My Royal Power Tank

It's not a very good picture, but once my camera batteries of recharged I will take some better pictures.

Post# 146758 , Reply# 4   8/11/2011 at 23:46 (4,842 days old) by goadie12 ()        

Ok sounds good can't wait for the now pictures. Zach

Post# 146970 , Reply# 5   8/13/2011 at 20:45 (4,840 days old) by ElectroluxKirby ()        

As promised Zach here are some pics of my Royal Power Tank.

Tank and Power Nozzle

Post# 146971 , Reply# 6   8/13/2011 at 20:46 (4,840 days old) by ElectroluxKirby ()        

Tank closeup.

Post# 146972 , Reply# 7   8/13/2011 at 20:47 (4,840 days old) by ElectroluxKirby ()        
Power Nozzle Closeup

Power Nozzle

Post# 146974 , Reply# 8   8/13/2011 at 21:17 (4,840 days old) by ElectroluxKirby ()        
Power Nozzle

With cover removed

Post# 146975 , Reply# 9   8/13/2011 at 21:20 (4,840 days old) by goadie12 ()        

Oh wow now I really want one lol thanks a lot for the pics so this machine never had disposible bags it only had the dump out or shake out bag correct and what year about is it of and this is the last question I promis is royal now DirtDevil? Thanks a lot. Zach

Post# 146976 , Reply# 10   8/13/2011 at 21:21 (4,840 days old) by ElectroluxKirby ()        

Another of the tank after I cleaned it up a little, didn't realize how dirty it was until I took the first set of pictures, LOL.

Post# 146978 , Reply# 11   8/13/2011 at 21:23 (4,840 days old) by ElectroluxKirby ()        

If anyone has an extra blue upholstery brush or crevice tool they don't want or need let me know, I also need the curved wand so I can use the bare floor brush.

Post# 146980 , Reply# 12   8/13/2011 at 21:29 (4,840 days old) by ElectroluxKirby ()        

Someone told me the vac came out around 1985. There are paper bags and HEPA bags that go inside the cloth bag, and there is also a filter that goes underneath the bag.

Here are couple pictures of the bag chamber. This is the bag in place.

Post# 146981 , Reply# 13   8/13/2011 at 21:31 (4,840 days old) by ElectroluxKirby ()        
Bag Chamber

Bag Removed.

Post# 146982 , Reply# 14   8/13/2011 at 21:32 (4,840 days old) by ElectroluxKirby ()        

I really need to get a new filter. LOL.

Post# 146983 , Reply# 15   8/13/2011 at 21:33 (4,840 days old) by ElectroluxKirby ()        

Royal vacuums are commercial quality vacs and Dirt Devil are household vacs.

Post# 147016 , Reply# 16   8/14/2011 at 02:21 (4,840 days old) by Red_October ()        

I've got that exact vacuum; it's a wonderful machine. I'd always wanted one since I saw the later one with the pistol-grip handle in a second-hand store, but the price was exorbitant. Unfortunately the motor on my example lost power at some point and shoots lovely blue sparks -I'm assuming this means I need new brushes. Are they regularly available?

Post# 147101 , Reply# 17   8/14/2011 at 17:00 (4,839 days old) by ElectroluxKirby ()        

There is a burgundy power tank on eBay with the pistol grip handle with power nozzle and attachments but I think the asking price is $179.00 plus shipping to rich for my blood at the moment.

Post# 147129 , Reply# 18   8/14/2011 at 19:31 (4,839 days old) by goadie12 ()        

Ok thanks because I was wondering why almost every dirtdevil I have seen has said royal underneath thanks. Zach

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