Thread Number: 13797
Hoover Celebrity QS info...
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Post# 146239   8/7/2011 at 21:11 (4,814 days old) by corvidaesoresu ()        

Hey there, First off, lemme state that I know absolutely nothing about vacuums other then that they suck up dirt and keep my carpet looking nice. Wasn't too interested until I found a "Hoover Celebrity QS (model number S1399)" in my hay shed. I found it a few years ago when I moved here, but was never interested in it, because I assumed it didn't work. Well, I finally took a closer look today because all my other vacuums in the house have died (all three of them) so I thought that I might as well look at this one for the hell of it. I didn't think it would work, as it was covered in dirt and hay and had been sitting outside for quite a while, but when I plugged it in, it works, and has surprisingly good suction. It looks like the previous owner was using it as a shop vac or something, because it had a piece of pipe jammed in the tube and it was full of dirt (no bag)

So, I was hoping someone could possibly give me some background info on it, where I could get replacement parts, an estimated manufacturing date, etc. I've always been interested in vintage machines, and would love to make this vacuum an everyday part of my household. Will provide pics if anyone is interested.

Post# 146248 , Reply# 1   8/7/2011 at 21:43 (4,814 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        
Hoover Celebrity vacs

Use Style H bag
Made from 1974-1983
Total Vac & eBay carry some parts for these vacs.

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