Thread Number: 13745
Kirby Classic III bag - How to Refit
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Post# 145744   8/3/2011 at 13:42 (4,820 days old) by adidas1124 ()        

Hi all... new here... I have been searching high and low for instructions/pictures of how to refit the shakeout bag on my Classic III. I took it off and washed it last night, got it over the lip on the emptor (which was a PAIN), but I don't think it's right.

I didn't think to pay attention to it when removing it (of course) so I don't know what it's supposed to look like.

Also the red rubber gasket doesn't look right either.

When I turned it on the bag didn't seem to inflate like it did before washing... might be because it's now clean and allowing more airflow... didn't seem to be leaking air at the connection to the emptor, but I could be wrong.

Any info on this would be helpful... thanks in advance.

Post# 145802 , Reply# 1   8/3/2011 at 21:20 (4,819 days old) by kirby519 (Wisconsin)        

You are correct in the bag not inflating with air. Once the machine is used several times it will collect enough dust to make the bag fully inflate like it did prior to washing.

As far as the bag guard it should cover the bag where it attaches to the emptor. usually a re used guard will develope a "lip" that wrapped around the lower part of the bag where it meets the sani emptor.

Post# 145805 , Reply# 2   8/3/2011 at 21:58 (4,819 days old) by adidas1124 ()        

Thanks for the info! Makes complete sense.

I used it tonight and it worked better than ever, and no dust around the bottom of the bag. I guess I got it right.

Post# 145808 , Reply# 3   8/3/2011 at 22:28 (4,819 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

If the bag doesn't look right where it holds onto the emtor, as though it's rolled over itself, just pull the bag upwards (not so hard that it pulls it off though!!), I usually do that with my shake-out bags just to neaten them up a bit... :)

Post# 145819 , Reply# 4   8/3/2011 at 23:04 (4,819 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        

I would like to wash the bag on my Classic Omega, how exactly did you go about washing the shakeout bag?

Post# 145823 , Reply# 5   8/3/2011 at 23:16 (4,819 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Pull it off, turn it inside out, vac it out, then wash it (either machine wash or hand wash, personally I usually hand wash bags at a reasonable temperature (gets the bacteria killed off), with handwash powder, and then spin dry in a clothes spinner, then hang to dry & finally iron if you wish)... :)

Post# 145824 , Reply# 6   8/3/2011 at 23:22 (4,819 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        

I guess it's silly that I've never tried turning them inside out. :P

I've washed all the bags on my Heritage and G-series, but flipped them inside out through the full length zipper. Vaccuumed them with the shop vac then a rinse in the laundry tub (to get any gunk off) then in the washing machine on delicate. Flip the bag back "outside-in" and hang outside to air dry.

Post# 145842 , Reply# 7   8/4/2011 at 09:56 (4,819 days old) by adidas1124 ()        

I vacuumed mine out before removing the bag... less dust that way. I just used a shopvac and went up thru the bottom, with the scraper pocket pulled inside-out so it's not in the way.

Turning the bag inside-out is a bit of "fun"... since the bottom of the bag is really small once the spring/band at the bottom retracts. I started by rolling the bag closest to the opening until enough was thru that I could shove and pull the rest thru. I then banged it against the concrete to knock off as much loose dust as I could.

I washed mine in my front load washer, on delicate and cold water with an extra rinse cycle... then put it in the dryer on NO HEAT - Just "Air Fluff".

This is the first time it's been washed since new in 1978... and I am really happy with the results.

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