Thread Number: 13717
One of my greatest childhood machines has come home.
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Post# 145496   8/1/2011 at 16:07 (4,820 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        


It's a great day in my mind.

Back story. My grandma recently had to move back to Omaha from Cincinnati. My grandpa and her live in a 1915 mansion.

Anyways at her house in cincinnat was the gold compact c8 that my grandpa bought brand new in the early 70s.

Now the compact vacuums are very very dear to me and they are still my favorite canisters ever.

Well the gold c8 was brought back home and now I get to use it over there! Along with the two other compacts. Another c8 without power nozzle and a compact Electra with power port.

I saw it and I think I almost cried. I love this gold machine.

It has all it's original tools and power nozzle in fantastic condition.

The machine is in beautiful shape with only a few tiny marks. Just dusty. Original box with original pack of unopened bags as well as all the manuals and brochures.

Guys. I want you to know I would do almost anything to find a real nice compact from that era! Some day I will inherite these machines but would really love one of my own.

Post# 145498 , Reply# 1   8/1/2011 at 16:09 (4,820 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Here she is!

Ahhhhh. What a beautiful little pig.

You know. Is if just me or are these a little bigger than a tristar?

Ps. My grandpa was just using it so it's sitting on top of all the original goodies. Can't really see them.

Post# 145500 , Reply# 2   8/1/2011 at 16:59 (4,820 days old) by hoover1 ()        

WOW! That is awsome.

Post# 145529 , Reply# 3   8/1/2011 at 20:48 (4,820 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        

I'm VERY glad that Compacts exist! If they didn't, I wouldn't be happy!

Post# 145578 , Reply# 4   8/1/2011 at 22:46 (4,820 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        


If compacts didn't exist I probably would have never gotten into vacuums.

Here are the familiar faces at my grandpas. His other compacts.

A green c8 I believe. No pn.

THATS NOT PAINT LOSS. it's drywall dust.

Post# 145581 , Reply# 5   8/1/2011 at 22:48 (4,820 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

The always beautiful compact c6 with power nozzle port.

Ps my grandpa has all tools for all the compacts.

Has the original hoses and the polisher too.

Post# 145584 , Reply# 6   8/1/2011 at 22:49 (4,820 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        


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