Thread Number: 13709
Royal model 189
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Post# 145388   7/31/2011 at 19:32 (4,940 days old) by desiredName (Utah)        

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I found this Royal model 189 at a thrift store yesterday. It was $14 and i could not pass it up. The problem is that the motor runs quite bad. It is in need of new carbon brushes and I can't seem to find anyone that still sells parts for this vacuum. If anyone knows where i could find some that would be great. Also does anyone know the age of this machine? Thanks!


Post# 145389 , Reply# 1   7/31/2011 at 19:33 (4,940 days old) by desiredName (Utah)        

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Post# 146922 , Reply# 2   8/13/2011 at 00:22 (4,928 days old) by hygiene903 (Galion, OH)        

hygiene903's profile picture
The carbon brushes should be available at any Royal dealer. They used the same brushes from the early models up to the 80's or 90's I believe.

Post# 146927 , Reply# 3   8/13/2011 at 04:44 (4,928 days old) by kirbyclassiciii (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
I'm guessing neither the bag nor the Adjust-O-Rite plug are original. Most likely it would have had the "lady bug" color scheme of red and black.

If you want to make this 189 a competitor to what Royal offered in the 1980s, take the original motor assembly out and install a 4.5 or 5.4 amp motor in it.

For the record, here is a picture of @hygiene903's 153 and 189 (189 is the one on the right).


Post# 146958 , Reply# 4   8/13/2011 at 15:36 (4,927 days old) by DesiredName (Utah)        

desiredname's profile picture
Thanks for the info guys!

Post# 146962 , Reply# 5   8/13/2011 at 17:57 (4,927 days old) by goadie12 ()        

Man I must say I am beginning to like royals more and more even though I don't have one they sure do look pretty. Zach

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