Thread Number: 13702
GE MV1 Portable Cleaner
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Post# 145334   7/30/2011 at 20:13 (4,883 days old) by srtier ()        

I was cleaning out my basement and found this vacuum cleaner hidden in a corner. I guess that it was left by the previous owners who built the house. It is in its orignal box, has its manual, and even the warranty registration card. I did a google search on it and found an ad for it from 1964. Click on the link to see it. My main question is this: Is the cleaner worth money to someone?


Post# 145342 , Reply# 1   7/31/2011 at 00:58 (4,883 days old) by Red_October ()        

Can we get some pictures?
If it's as complete as you say it is I'll open the bidding at $20. I'll be completely honest, with a very few exceptions, old vacuums won't ever fetch you more than the price of a nice bottle of booze. However there is a corollary to that statement; it's rare to find one in such awful shape that you can't find someone to give you $5 or $10 for it just because, and vacuums are like cars inasmuch as if it works, you can always find someone who wants it simply for that reason.

Post# 145344 , Reply# 2   7/31/2011 at 04:59 (4,883 days old) by kirbyvacuum (Long Island New York)        

Hi All I have been collecting for over 40 years i can truly say as in most things a vacuum is only worth how much a collector and how badly he or she really wants that model machine.Doug

Post# 145349 , Reply# 3   7/31/2011 at 09:30 (4,882 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
By the way - thank you for that link to the "Vintage Ads" website! :-) It has some wonderful old ads for vacuums if you use the "search" feature.....

Post# 373750 , Reply# 4   6/12/2017 at 23:02 (2,739 days old) by Catwalker (CA)        
GE MV 1 attachments

I'd love to buy GE MV 1 attachments. Anyone have the wands and the floor attachments?

Post# 373774 , Reply# 5   6/13/2017 at 08:45 (2,738 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        

I have MANY Swivel Tops,a few uprights & polishers and should have MV1s and some attachments.It will be later when I have GE hoses/atts sorted as I am moving from the old store to a new location that will continue vacs and add 1000s of books.I prefer pick up in person(as many here have & will be doing) but may later ship items with buyer paying UPS for all packing/shipping.(Did you need gray or later color?)

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