Thread Number: 13689
Uncommon Kirby Omega 1-CB cloth bag?
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Post# 145247   7/30/2011 at 01:58 (4,949 days old) by functionalart ()        

Hi all,
Have never posted here before--just have been an observer for a very long time and decided to finally join. Someone once said that a collection starts after you've 3 or more of a thing...and after acquiring a Kirby Model 562 this week, I now have 4 of these fantastic vacs. Thought I'd post some photos of a more uncommon cloth bag fitted to my Omega 1-CB. Thanks to this site, I'm aware of the other 3 styles and would be interested in expert input on what this one is. It has NO Omega "patch", nor any sign that one was ever there. It looks like a bag I've seen in the B&W photos from the Omega instruciton book, but I've not seen it shown within this site anywhere, or even mentioned here. It's not important for me to get information on it, but I'm geeky that way and it'd just be cool to know.
This Omega's just come out of 36+ years of storage. It's quite the timecapsule. Purchased by my grandfather in 1974. Hated by my grandmother and relegated to the back of a closet since VERY early in life. If it's been used a total of two weeks' time over these decades, I'd be surprised. Nothing's ever been done to it. Never been serviced. Original factory polish job. It's just in gorgeous condition. I've actually given it it's first real use during this past month and plan on keeping it forever. It's as close to a new vac from the era as you could hope for....just brilliant.
I've inserted the URL to the photos of this bag if anyone's interested. Later on, I'll put up some shots of the entire machine along with my Dual Sanitronic 80, Sanitronic 562 and Heritage II.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO functionalart's LINK

Post# 145259 , Reply# 1   7/30/2011 at 07:47 (4,948 days old) by KirbyLover (Louisville Kentucky )        

photo #2, my god the shine! I'd love to see more pics as that has got to be one of the best all-original Omegas out there!

I have an Omega as well, but it's in very average condition, and it has a non-original bag from what I can tell. Similar in color to yours, but different pattern. I forget if those bags have the little Kirby tag on them or not.

Please post more pics!!

Post# 145279 , Reply# 2   7/30/2011 at 12:37 (4,948 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture

Please post more pictures.  There were three Omega bags and that wasn't one of them.  It has to be an aftermarket bag.  What a mystery.

Post# 145280 , Reply# 3   7/30/2011 at 12:40 (4,948 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
Check Out This Thread

compactelectra's profile picture

On the three bag types for the Omega.  The armored one is my favorite and the one that came on my brand-new Omega in 1976.  Charlie Watrous got me a fabulous specimen to use on my current Omega that was factory-rebuilt.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO compactelectra's LINK

Post# 145281 , Reply# 4   7/30/2011 at 12:52 (4,948 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
Here's My

compactelectra's profile picture

Classic Omega.  One of my favs.  I know some folks don't care for the large-head Kirbys but this puppy lifts the rugs off the floor.

Post# 145302 , Reply# 5   7/30/2011 at 14:48 (4,948 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I think that Houndstooth bag is a generic replacement, probably made around the time of the Trad (which has a modified Houndstooth pattern), just to "blend in" with the brand... :)

Looks pretty food though I have to say, matches the Omega pretty well for a generic bag... :)

Post# 145318 , Reply# 6   7/30/2011 at 18:41 (4,948 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Now here's a funny looking bag:

CLICK HERE TO GO TO twocvbloke's LINK on eBay

Post# 145331 , Reply# 7   7/30/2011 at 19:58 (4,948 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Well, at least the bag is made by Kirby.... Probably. :S

Post# 145335 , Reply# 8   7/30/2011 at 20:27 (4,948 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I don't think it was made by Kirby, most likely a bojack bag maker that broke copyright rules and used the Kirby logo, and I'm pretty sure there wasn't a Kirby model known as the "Deluxe"... :P

Post# 145360 , Reply# 9   7/31/2011 at 12:43 (4,947 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Youre right.... Can you say, "copyright infringement?" LOL

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